Hillbillies & Vikings

This site is focused broadly on all descendants of John Denboe, an indentured servant who came to the Crown Colony of Maryland in about the year 1664. Also, it maintains a special emphasis on the descendants of John Denbow (1797-1862) and his brother Bazeleel (1795-1857), early pioneers in the hills of Southeastern Ohio, as well as the descendants of Jón Jónsson (1841-1934) of Dalasýsla, Iceland, who was an Icelandic immigrant to Canada and now has progeny throughout North America.


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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1  Harris, Mary F. (I5026)
2  Woerner, Cecelia Elizabeth (I6730)
3 "The Descendants of Ullrich Spoon/Spohn, 1717 to 1781," by Lois Ryno Finfgeld (M&D Press: Henry, Illinois, 1977) quotes the records from the Zion Lutheran Church in Manheim, Pennsylvania (as translated from German script) as saying the following: "Ulrich Spoon died 17 Sept. 1781 aged 63 yr 10 mo less 1 dy."
mo less 1 dy." This entry further says: "From this record, his birth can be determined as being 18 November 1717. In 1961 I visited Zion Lutheran Church, saw the old record book and walked through the oldest section of the cemetery west of the church. I did not find a headstone for Ulrich Spohn, but I did see headstones for members of the Liberich family with they were closely associated."
see headstones for members of the Liberich family with whom they were
closely associated. 
Spohn, Ullrich (I6777)
4 "WILLIAM DENBOW - Obituary."

"Once more the angel of death visited our community aand took away one of our old soldiers of the rebellion, also a gallant soldier for the cause of christianity for nearly 50 years.

William Denbow, was born in Carroll County, Ohio, April 25, 1839, departed this life February 3, 1919, being at the time of his death 79 years, 9 months, and 8 days old.

He was united in marriage to Anna Dillon November 12, 1857. To this union were added nine children--three boys and six girls--Thomas, Hamilton and William E. Denbow, Mrs Mary Gramlich and Mrs. Etta Knopf of near Lewisville, Mrs. Nora Miracle and Mrs. Hattie Leisure of Stafford, Mrs. Jennie Thompson of Lower City, Ohio. His little daughter Emma and his loving companion preceded him to the great beyond. He also leaves 32 grand children, 19 great grand children and a large number of relatives and friends to mourn.

By his death the church here loses one of its faithful and untiring workers, the country a good citizen, and his children a devoted father.

Rev. Chessir of Belle Valley, Ohio, conducted the funeral services at the home of Mrs. W. O. Knopf where he had been living for some time, and the remaining services were conducted at the M.E. Church at Braken Chapel, at the grave. The G.A.R. Post closed the services and his remains were laid to rest to await the resurrection morn. We believe that the Master will say unto him. "Well Done, thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joys of thy Lord."
Card of Thanks.
We extend our most heartfelt thanks to those neighbors and friends who kindly assisted us during the illness and death of our father. Also, the Grand Army, Rev. Chesshir, the choir for the beautiful masic, and the kha--- boys who served as pallbearers. The kindness will never be forgotten. 
Denbow, William (I1452)
5 's middle initial appears to be either an 'H' or 'R.' However, Dave Denbow's dad says the middle name was William. Denbow, Jessie (I1227)
6 "History of Athens County" by Charles M. Walker, 1869. Chapter VIII, Alexander Township, Page 351, states: "Among the residents of Alexander as early as 1805 were Robert Ross, William Gabriel, Amos Thompson, Edward Martin, Isaac Stanley, John, Jonathan, Joseph, Thomas and Isaac Brooks, Matthew Haning, Thomas and John Armstrong, Jared, Israel, and Martin Bobo, Caleb Merritt, Joel Lowther, Michael Bowers, William Strond, Esquire Bowman, Abner Smith, Charles and Isaiah Shepherd,Thomas Sharp, and Richard and William Reeves. The population of the township in 1820 was 854; in 1830 it was 882; in 1840 it was 1,451; in1850 it was 1,735; in 1860 it was 1,675. Hebbardsville, pleasantly situated in the western part of the township, is the principal center of population." Bobo, Jared (I539)
7 "History of Athens County, Ohio," by Charles M. Walker, 1869, page 352 states: "Jeremiah Clements and Israel Bobo, noted as hunters in the early settlement of the county, killed in one season sixty-five bears in one neighborhood, included in the site of the present town of Hebbardsville. The same men were fond of whiskey, and, to get a supply, took a horse-load of bear skins to the Ohio River and traded for a barrel of the desired article. The next difficulty was how to get it home. They finally cut two poles from the forest and formed sort of a drag to be drawn by the horse, the largest ends of the pole resting on the ground. The barrel of whiskey was then secured between the poles and thus dragged through the woods to Alexander township, where they lived. This was the first barrel of whiskey ever brought into Alexander. In after years the use of it became common and greatly the fashion, but at the present time it is not kept for sale at anyplace in the township." Bobo, Israel (I536)
8 "The Story of Kilgore Goose Run and Mingo" by Iona Albaugh Burrier, page 36 states Robert never married. Letter to Susan Sharp from Laura Wagner dated August 15, 1994 states that Robert is buried in the Kilgore Cemetery beside his mother. He died in 1876, age 37. Hogue, Robert (I2343)
9 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I1)
10 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I1)
11 , according to Bonnie Lonsinger, "seems to have disappeared when the children were young."
Witness Role: Principal 2: [I1250] John R. DENBOW 
Denbow, John R. (I1250)
12 , in the household of Robert and Elizabeth Masters.
Witness Role: Principal 2: [I3014] Leonard Oliver MASTERS 
Masters, Leonard Oliver (I3014)
13 , which became part of West Viginia in 1863. It is the largest county in W.Va. in terms of geographic size.
Witness Role: Principal 2: [I2653] Sebastian Cabot KELLEY 
Kelley, Sebastian Cabot (I2653)
14 ,,,Alsace Lorraine Anthony, Caroline (I130)
15 ,,,Alsace Lorraine Bun, Catharine (I727)
16 ,,,Alsace Lorraine Frantz, Caroline (I1868)
17 ,,,Alsace Lorraine Frantz, Henry (I1873)
18 ,,,Alsace Lorraine Frantz, Jacob (I1878)
19 ,,,Germany Dunckelnberg, Adolff (I1639)
20 ,,,Germany Dunckelnberg, Catharina (I1640)
21 ,,,Germany Dunckelnberg, Greta (I1644)
22 ,,,Germany Dunckelnberg, Petrius\Peter (I1646)
23 ,,,Germany Dunckelnberg, Wilhelm (I1648)
24 ,,,Germany Dunkelberger, Abraham (I1651)
25 ,,,Germany Dunkelberger, Anna Catharina (I1652)
26 ,,,Germany Dunkelberger, Anna Catharina (I1652)
27 ,,,Germany Dunkelberger, Anna Catharina (I1653)
28 ,,,Germany Dunkelberger, Anna Catharina (I1653)
29 ,,,Germany Dunkelberger, Anna Catharina (I1654)
30 ,,,Germany Dunkelberger, Hanss Freidrich (I1670)
31 ,,,Germany Dunkelberger, Johan Wilhelm (I1674)
32 ,,,Germany Dunkelberger, Peter Abraham (I1682)
33 ,,,Germany Dunkelberger, Wilhelmus (I1688)
34 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I2501)
35 ,,,Germany Lorenzen, Amelia (I2886)
36 ,,,Germany Lorenzen, Frederick (I2892)
37 ,,,Germany Marselius, Anna Rebecca (I2995)
38 ,,,Germany Mollenauer, Ernest H. (I3198)
39 ,,,Germany Mollenauer, Henry E. (I3201)
40 ,,,Germany Rofkar, Henry Carl (I3651)
41 ,,,Germany Tadsen, Magnus (I4248)
42 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I4555)
43 ,,,Unknown Sharp, William (I3897)
44 ,,Saskatchewan,Canada Baldvinsdóttir, Halldóra Sigriður (I194)
45 ,Balt Wilson, Susannah (I5346)
46 .
Witness Role: Bride: [I1829] Rebecca FISHER
Witness Role: Groom: [I2665] Edward KEYLOR 
Family: Edward Keylor / Rebecca Fisher (F396)
47 .
Witness Role: Principal: [F396] ...of Edward KEYLOR and Rebecca FISHER
Witness Role: Bride: [I1829] Rebecca FISHER
Witness Role: Groom: [I2665] Edward KEYLOR 
Fisher, Rebecca (I1829)
48 .
Witness Role: Principal: [F396] ...of Edward KEYLOR and Rebecca FISHER
Witness Role: Bride: [I1829] Rebecca FISHER
Witness Role: Groom: [I2665] Edward KEYLOR 
Keylor, Edward (I2665)
49 Sharp, Clarence Bryan (I3812)
50 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I4098)

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