
Hillbillies & Vikings
This site is focused broadly on all descendants of John Denboe, an indentured servant who came to the Crown Colony of Maryland in about the year 1664. Also, it maintains a special emphasis on the descendants of John Denbow (1797-1862) and his brother Bazeleel (1795-1857), early pioneers in the hills of Southeastern Ohio, as well as the descendants of Jón Jónsson (1841-1934) of Dalasýsla, Iceland, who was an Icelandic immigrant to Canada and now has progeny throughout North America.
Matches 101 to 150 of 6,302
# | Notes | Linked to |
101 | According to his mother's notes, LLoyd was born at his home inBucyrus , Ohio on Saturday evening at 6:00 P.M. on 6 February 1897.LLoyd graduated from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. While a studentat the University he was one of the founding members of 'The CampusOwls', a dance band still in existence in 1994. He and his brother Bobplayed in the band to help defray expenses. 'Shorty', as LLoyd wasknown, was a member of Phi Kappa Tau fraternity at Miami. Shorty wasa music teacher in Camden and Niles, Ohio for a few years. He and hiswife, Cyrena, 'Cy', were fond of ' the good life'. So after a fewyears Shorty left the teaching profession and entered the insurancebusiness. He also sold stocks and bonds for a Dayton, Ohio basedcompany. This new career took him to Youngstown, Ohio, and Texas.Finally, the family settled in Eaton, Ohio. He and Cy had a 'live-in'maid, belonged to 'The Youngstown Club', and LLoyd did not want hiswife to work. Shorty was someone who could get along with anyone. Hewas very gregarious and associated with people from all walks of life.He died of cancer in a Dayton hospital. He was 59 years, 1 month, and12 days old. These notes are from the recollections of RobertHenderson Sharp, Shorty's brother. Services were held at The BarnesFuneral Home in Eaton, Ohio on March 21, 1956 at 2:00 P.M. TheReverends Herman A. Sayre and Richard Coad officiated. Pall bearerswere Walter Earley, Robert Barnd, Wendell Aker, Sam Fulks, FredBrower, and James Foster. The place of burial was Mound Hill Cemeteryin Eaton, Ohio. | Sharp, Lloyd Wayne (I3851)
102 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I4405)
103 | According to Jean Reid Edwards, the family says Earl died at threeyears. No information found. According to William Simpson Reid, hisfamily always told him they wished that he had died and Earl hadlived. This does not sound very funny, but it was a big family joke,and William (Bill) never seemed to be offended by this. | Reid, Earl (I3499)
104 | According to Jean Saunders Davis, Elizabeth Huey married for a secondtime after her first husband died. The man was from Joliet, Illinoisand had a livery business and was hired for funerals, etc. | Huey, Elizabeth (I2448)
105 | According to Kathryn Tadsen Sharp, Dorothea did not finish High School. Despite the objections of her parents, she dropped out with only one year until graduation. | Lorenzen, Dorothea Marie (I2888)
106 | According to Lena Liggett, daughter of Fanny Bobo Robertson, andgrandaughter of Susan Wade Bobo, Lovina was a beautiful spirited andred haired girl. She liked to go dancing, and for the sake of beautywould not dress warmly enough. She contracted tuberculosis. Afterbecoming ill, she wished to be baptized and the minister broke the iceon the creek and baptized her. James Robertson who later married hersister, Fanny, was first in love with Louvina. | Bobo, Louvina M. (I565)
107 | According to Robert Henderson Sharp he was in the hardware businessin Bucyrus, Ohio. U.S. Census 1900 Wood County, Ohio, Village ofWeston, page 266, sheet 9, Henderson, Stewart, head, DOB Feb 1860;40, hardware clerk, no. of years married 16, POB PA. POBM&F PA; Cora,wife, April 1866, 34, no, of yers married 16, mother of how manychildren1, how many living 1, POB Michigan; POBM&F New York; Lola,daughter, August 1890, age 9, POB Ohio, POBM Michigan, POBF Ohio. | Henderson, W. Stewart (I2275)
108 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I685)
109 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I5134)
110 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I685)
111 | According to Sandy Denbow Jameyson: St. Stephen's Church was located in the Sassafras District. This was near the area of the Sassafras River, in Cecil County, Maryland. It is within this area that John and wife Jane owned or rented property. Their son Thomas settled up their estate after John's death. Other Children were John and Jane. Jane married in the Bell Family. Witness Role: Bride: [I4900] Jane WOODFIELD Witness Role: Groom: [I1230] John DENBOE | Family: John Denboe / Jane Woodfield (F1010)
112 | According to Sandy Denbow Jameyson: St. Stephen's Church was located in the Sassafras District. This was near the area of the Sassafras River, in Cecil County, Maryland. It is within this area that John and wife Jane owned or rented property. Their son Thomas settled up their estate after John's death. Other Children were John and Jane. Jane married in the Bell Family. Witness Role: Principal: [F1010] ...of John DENBOE and Jane WOODFIELD Witness Role: Bride: [I4900] Jane WOODFIELD Witness Role: Groom: [I1230] John DENBOE | Woodfield, Jane (I4900)
113 | According to Sandy Denbow Jameyson: St. Stephen's Church was located in the Sassafras District. This was near the area of the Sassafras River, in Cecil County, Maryland. It is within this area that John and wife Jane owned or rented property. Their son Thomas settled up their estate after John's death. Other Children were John and Jane. Jane married in the Bell Family. Witness Role: Principal: [F1010] ...of John DENBOE and Jane WOODFIELD Witness Role: Bride: [I4900] Jane WOODFIELD Witness Role: Groom: [I1230] John DENBOE | Denboe, John (I6377)
114 | According to Signe's research: Either she or Elizabeth married a Jimmy Sharp. | Denbow, Susan (I1417)
115 | According to the Book, The Story of Kilgore, Goose Run, and Mingo byIona Albaugh Burrier James Larkins was from Deersville, HarrisonCounty, Ohio. | Larkins, James (I2811)
116 | According to the notes of Jean Reid Edwards the Shrigleys had nochildren. They were, at one time, window decorators at the StroussHirschberg Store in Youngstown, Ohio. Later the Shrigleys owned twoshoe stores. | Swan, Martha Ruth (I4226)
117 | According to the notes of Jean Reid Edwards, Elizabeth died in theAdrian Hospital at age 25 of a bowel obstruction. She is buried in theKnights of Pythias Cemetery on Twp. Road 460 near Punxsutawney, Pa. Itis a black top road 1/4 mile from Anita. Her grave is marked by aHammond marker. Book: Tombstone Hopping, Jefferson County,Pennsylvania, by Patricia Steele. McCalmont Twp., United BrethrenCemetery, Row 2, Lizzie Reid, wife of James, d. 9/19/1902, 25 years, 7months, 17 days. Obituary: Newspaper clipping in the possession ofJean Reid Edwards. Name and date of paper are cut off. MRS. JAMES J.REED Mrs. Elizabeth Reed, wife of James J. Reed, of Adrian, died lastFriday at the Adrian Hospital as the result of an obstruction to theintestines. An operation had been performed three days before, but thepatient failed to rally. The deceased was 25 years of age and leaves ahusband and two smll children. The remains were interred in AnitaCemetery on Sunday, Rev. Charles A. Clark, of Punxsutawney,officiating. | Hammond, Elizabeth 'Lizzie' (I2147)
118 | According to the notes of Matilda Saunders (July 1937) Lillie is said to have died in Scotland. | Hunter, Lillie (I2475)
119 | According to the notes of Matilda Saunders (July 1937), Lydia was the eldest daughter. She married a Mr. Livingstone and moved to Australia or New Zealand and died there. It is not known how many children survived her. | Hunter, Lydia (I2478)
120 | According to the notes of Sherry Hunter Strickland (letter dated 21March 1995) Thomas' first name was Joshua, not Thomas. | Sharp, Thomas Joshua (I3892)
121 | According to the obituary of Esther Mae Reid, she was survived by onesister and preceded in death by six brothers and sisters. | Brooks, Daniel (I695)
122 | According to the recollection of Kathryn Tadsen Sharp, Albert owned agrocery store and meat market in downtown Port Clinton, Ohio. RecordSt. John's Lutheran Church, Port Clinton, Ohio. Received 7 April1995. Baptism 1884, 13 January; Parents, Edmund Wenger & Anna gebMeyer; Birthdate, 23 January 1883; Child, Albert August; Sponsors,Friederich Wenger, Josephine Ineicher, (?). | Wenger, Albert August (I4507)
123 | According to the recollection of Kathryn Tadsen Sharp, Aunt Annie wastall and skinny. She was very kind hearted but was known for'murdering the King's English'. When her son, Paul, went away tocollege and was going through fraternity rush, Aunt Annie toldeveryone that he didn't know whether to go 'Philadelphian' or'Debater'. She meant Phi Delt or Beta. Record from St. John's LutheranChurch, Port Clinton, Ohio. Received 7 April 1995. Baptism 1891, 18October. Parents, Lorens Lorensen & Katharine geb Kruse; Birthdate, 22August 1891; Child, Anna Frederike; Sponsors, Fredrike Lorensen, LinaLorensen, Jens Jensen. Record from St. John's Lutheran Church, PortClinton, Ohio. Received 7 April 1995. Confirmation Class, 24 March1907; Anna Friedericka Lorenzen; Birthdate, 22 August 1891; BaptismDate, 18 October 1891; Parents, Lorenz & Catherine (Kruse) Lorenzen. | Lorenzen, Anna Fredericka (I2887)
124 | According to the recollection of Kathryn Tadsen Sharp, Boyd attended Ohio University. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. He was a very talented artist. During the summer he had a job decorating windows for a store in Port Clinton. He and a friend, Art Miller, who attended Miami University, were going to Toledo to get art supplies for the window decor when they lost control of the car and were both killed. Kathryn has a picture of a 'Flapper' painted by Boyd and Aunt Dorrey had many of his paintings in her home. Robert Tadsen Sharp who visited her house as a child, remembered that he particularly liked a painting of a yacht that Boyd had done. He was also supposed to have painted a portrait of one of the Beta founders which hung in the Beta house at Ohio University. | Zeis, Boyd (I4691)
125 | According to the recollection of Kathryn Tadsen Sharp, Doris was ateacher of foreign languages. | Wenger, Doris (I4508)
126 | According to the recollection of Kathryn Tadsen Sharp, Gertrude Zeiswas a music teacher. She was involved in some kind of an automobileaccident where battery acid spilled on her leg burning her severely.It is unclear just what happened, but 'Gert' never recovered from thisaccident and later was said to have died as a result of it. She wasalso said to have heart problems. | Zeis, Gertrude E. (I4694)
127 | According to the recollection of Kathryn Tadsen Sharp, Pauline was amusic teacher. | Wenger, Pauline (I4512)
128 | According to the recollection of Kathryn Tadsen Sharp, Uncle Fred wasinvolved in many business enterprises in Port Clinton. He owned amusic store, an Ice Cream Parlor where they also made homemade candy,a French Bakery, and a Cigar Factory, to name a few. Uncle Fred itseemed liked to be the supervisor while others did the work. He cameto Port Clinton while playing in an orchestra, met Dorey Tadsen,married her (Aunt June told her they 'had to'), and never left. Heoften hired family members to work in his enterprises. Tad worked fora while in the Ice Cream Parlor. There was a piano there and the kidscould come in and dance. Her mother, Dora Tadsen, hand dippedchocolates for Uncle Fred for a while and also helped with the cigarmaking. She would soak the tobacco leaves in a big tub of water in herkitchen and shape them over a form. Later they were hand rolled intocigars. The 'factory ' was a small building between Nick Tadsen'shouse and the Zeis house. | Zeis, Frederick G. (I4692)
129 | According to the recollection of Robert Henderson Sharp Frank wasfrom Weston and had a hardware business in Bucyrus, Ohio (maybeHenderson Hardware?). He also thought Frank may have been inSandusky. Notes in the Sharp Family Bible kept by Maude Elsie ShererSharp state that 'Uncle Frank died on July 23, 1957. U.S. Census 1900,Wood County, Ohio, Village of Weston, Page 258, sheet 1, HendersonF., head, DOB Aug 1867, 32, clerk merch., no. of years married 9, POBOhio, POBM PA, POBF PA; E., wife, DOB June 1868, 31, no. of yearsmarried 9, mother of how many children 2, how many living 2, POB Ohio,POBM&F New York; Brewster, E.J., mother, DOB Sept 1842, 57, widow,mother of how many childre 4, how many living 4, POB New York, POBMMass., POBF Vermont; Henderson J.B., son, DOB Jan 1892, 8, POB Ohio,POBM&F Ohio; Henderson, C.E., son, July 1898, 1, POB Ohio, POBM&FOhio. | Henderson, Frank (I2264)
130 | According to the recollection of Robert Henderson Sharp, Belle 'ranoff' with Francis M. Sherer, the husband of Belle's oldest sister,Maggie Jane Henderson Sherer, who was Robert H. Sharp's Grandmother.This was a big family scandal. No one was to mention Francis Sherer orBelle Henderson's name again! The two went to California. It is notclear whether Francis Sherer and Maggie Jane Henderson Sherer weredivorced. According to the recollections of Robert Henderson Sharp,Belle came back from California to Bucyrus to visit at Aunt Ollie'shouse. She said she was amazed by how green everything was and sheliked all of the green trees after living in California. Notes in theSharp Family Bible kept by Maude Elsie Sherer Sharp state that 'AuntBelle past away 1958--August 4.' | Henderson, Belle (I2257)
131 | According to the recollection of Robert Tadsen Sharp, Dora Tadsen, his grandmother, at the end of her life, did not realize what was going on. He said she was always pleasant, but was unable to hold a conversation. Her hands always shook. He wonders now if these weren't signs of Parkinson's disease. | Lorenzen, Dorothea Marie (I2888)
132 | According to the recollections of Kathryn Tadsen Sharp, Aunt Elsiewas very bright and a very stylish person, always dressed in thelatest fashions. Family history indicates that she had purchased a newEaster suit. Even though the weather on Easter was quite cold, shewore the new suit to church and did not wear a coat. She caughtpneumonia and died. Her funeral visitation was held in the parlor ofKathryn Tadsen's home at 317 Jackson Street, Port Clinton, Ohio.Relatives 'sat up all night' with the body while it was in the home.In accordance with the local custom a black wreath was placed on thefront door to indicate a house in mourning. Kathryn Tadsen Sharp saysthe memory of Aunt Elsie's body being in her home gave her a lifelongdislike for funerals. After Aunt Elsie's death, her husband, JeromeBall, remarried and lived in Toledo. Adelaide, Elsie and Jerome'sonly child, and Kathryn Tadsen Sharp were only one year apart in ageand were quite close. Her stepmother sent Adelaide to Port Clinton fora visit and she stayed with the Tadsens. Her stepmother sent a lot offancy clothes for Adelaide to wear during the visit. Dora Tadsen,thinking they were 'too good' to play in, gave her some of Tad'splayclothes. When the stepmother came to pick Adelaide up at theconclusion of the visit, she was horrified to learn that Adelaide hadnot worn her 'good clothes'. 'What would the people of Port Clintonthink?' Adelaide was never allowed to visit again. Notes of GretchenRader Valentine dated 3/14/95 state Elsie Marie Ball died April 24,1919 age 30 years. Record from St. John's Lutheran Church, PortClinton, Ohio. Received 7 April 1995. Baptism: 1889 1 December;Parents, Lorens Lorensen & Kath. geb Kruse; Birthdate, 4 October 1889;Child, Elsa Marie; Sponsors, Theresa Nissen, Marie Detjen, BenedixPetersen. Record from St. John's Lutheran Church, Port Clinton, Ohio.Received 7 April 1995. Confirmation Class, 27 March 1904, Elsie MarieLorenzen, Birthdate, 4 October 1889; Parents, Lorenz & Katherine(Kruse) Lorenzen. | Lorenzen, Elsie Marie (I2889)
133 | According to the recollections of Robert Henderson Sharp, Bob was abusinessman and lived in Weston, Ohio. U.S. Census 1880, Wood County,Ohio, Village of Weston, page 216, enumeration date, 1 June 1880,dwelling no. 8, family no. 8. Henderson, Robert D., male, 32, married,hardware merchant, POB PA, POBM &F PA; M.R., female, wife, 27,married, keeping house; POB PA, POBM&F PA; Louder or Susan? , female,8, daughter, at school, single, POB Ohio, POBM&F PA; Frank A., male,12 ?, brother, single, POB Ohio, POBM&F PA. U. S. Census 1900 WoodCounty, Ohio, Weston Village, Page 258, Sheet 1, enumeration district163, Henderson, R., head, DOB May 1848, age 52, no. of years married27, POB Ohio, POBM PA, POBF Ohio; M.K., wife, DOB April 1853, age 47,no. of years married 27, mother of how many children 3, how manyliving 2, POB Ohio; POBM PA; POBF Ohio; Alice, daughter, DOB May 1887,POB Ohio, POBM&F Ohio. | Henderson, Robert D. (I2273)
134 | According to the recollections of Robert Henderson Sharp, Don was alawyer in Lima, Ohio. He had something to do with Ohio NorthernUniversity. He also had a son, Don, and was involved in politics inLima, Ohio. | Henderson, Don C. (I2261)
135 | According to the recollections of Robert Henderson Sharp, JamesHenderson was a physician who practiced in Weston, Ohio near BowlingGreen. He bottled and sold 'Henderson's Relief', a liquid preparationfor colds. Bob said that you poured it on sugar and then swallowed it.Bob said this concoction was sold in local drug stores. According toBob, James Henderson came to Bucyrus when he was old and very sick,probably to stay with his daughter, Maggie Jane. Bob believes that hedied in Bucyrus but is not sure. U.S. Census 1910 Ohio, Wood County,Weston lists James K. Henderson, 85, and his wife Susana, 86, ashaving been married 62 years. It states they had 9 children and 8 areliving. Both were born in Pennsylvania as were Susanna's parents. Theentry for James was hard to read- I think it says that his parentswere born in Ire (then a note over the top looks like Eng). There isalso something written in the column , Survivor of Union orConfederate Army or Navy, but I couldn't read it. Try to look atanother copy. Wood County, Ohio Atlas 1875-1912 (Gc. 977.101 W 85 wo)for Bloom Township lists Jas. Henderson, Post Office, Jerry City;Nativity, Pennsylvania; Business, Physician and Surgeon; Residence,Jerry City; Settled in Co., 1874; No. of Lot or Section, Blank. Sincethe 1880 US Census for Crawford County, Ohio indicates Maggie wasborn in Pa. and her birthdate is 1850, look for James Henderson in Pa.in the1850 US Census. Wood Co. Atlas indicates Henderson settled inWood County, Ohio in 1874. Perhaps they were in PA until then. Map inWood County, Ohio Atlas 1875-1912, of Milton Township, shows S.Henderson and Jane Ellsworth as owners of a small North East corner ofSection 23. U.S. Census 1900, Wood County, Ohio, Weston , page 264,sheet 7, lists Henderson, J. head, DOB Dec 1826 (NOTE :difference inthis date from family records.), age 73, years married 53, POB PA,POBM Ohio; POBF Ireland; Susana, wife, March 1824, 76, years married53; POB PA, POBM Germany, POBF Germany (NOTE differences in this from1910 Census.), mother of how many children 9; how many living 8; C.F.Buttles, boarder, March 1861, 39, single, House carpenter, all POBOhio; Wm. Weaver, boarder, March 1872, 28 single, day laborer, all POBOhio. U.S. Census 1880 _ Could not find James in Weston, Ohio. Needto look again when I am not so rushed. | Henderson, James K. (I2268)
136 | According to the recollections of Robert Henderson Sharp, John Cooperwas a horse trader and a very kind and nice man. The U. S. Census 1910lists him as the manager of a hardware store. We did not find hisgrave next to Maggie Cooper's in the Oakwood Cemetery in Bucyrus.Possibly he had a first wife and is buried with her? Notes in theSharp Family Bible kept by Maude Elsie Sherer Sharp state that JohnCooper died 13 February 1916, aged 73 years, 10 months, and 13 days. | Cooper, John (I900)
137 | According to the Sharp family Bible kept by Maude Elsie Sherer SharpNellie died 2 February 1895 at 1:00 P.M. on a Friday, aged 24 years,10 months, and 9 days. | Stanley, Nellie (I4132)
138 | According to The Story of Kilgore Goose Run and Mingo by Iona AlbaughBurrier, page 36, Mattie was real queer. | Hogue, Mattie (I2341)
139 | According to U.S. Census 1870, Madison Township, Vinton County, Ohio, Page 18, the William Sharp Family is living with Sanford Bowen, a 60-yea- old farmer, born in Connecticut. Sanford R. Bowen died July 25, 1885 aged 77 years, 8 months, 28 days and Delight, wife of S. Bowen, died December 5, 1886 aged 75 years, 2 months, 27 days. They are buried in the Old Prattsville Cemetery in Vinton County, Ohio, and share one large tombstone. Thomas Sharp's will names Mary Alice Bowen, 17, granddaughter of decedent as an heir. | Sharp, William A. (I3899)
140 | According to Vivian Doney Reid she had 3 daughters. Place ofResidence: Juniata or Altoona, Pa. | Hunter, Lillian (I2474)
141 | According to Vivian Doney Reid 'Lettie' married at 16 years old. J.C. Doney told his daughter, Vivian Doney Reid, that when he andLettie were in school he would let her beat him in spelling bees. | Doney, Lauretta 'Lettie' (I1592)
142 | According to Vivian Doney Reid Jenny was horrible. I don't know whatshe meant by that. I later heard that she drank a lot. | Jenny (I2546)
143 | According to Vivian Doney Reid one family story was the gypsies triedto steal Aunt Rose, but Uncle Jake rescued her. The gypsies had her intheir sled and he jumped in the back and got her back. | Frantz, Rose (I1890)
144 | According to Vivian Doney Reid, Audrey died at approximately one yearof age. | Horm, Audrey (I2414)
145 | According to Vivian Doney Reid, Bernard died at approximately age 11/2 of the croup. | Horm, Bernard (I2415)
146 | According to Vivian Doney Reid, Bernice had no children. Bernice tookcare of Aunt 'Ollie' (nickname for Viola). Place of Residence: 476Thornycroft, Pittsburgh,PA. | Horm, Bernice (I2416)
147 | According to Vivian Doney Reid, Bill was a bachelor. Place of Residence: Rossiter, Pa. When William Simpson Reid and his wife, Vivian Doney Reid, visited the Doneys in Rossiter, William Reid used to go to the Brandon ? Hotel in Rossiter to visit William Hunter. He lived in this hotel. | Hunter, William 'Bill' (I2496)
148 | According to Vivian Doney Reid, Carmen was a very big woman. Shethinks Carmen also had two daughters. When Caroyl Reid lived inDallas, Texas, Vivian Doney Reid and Caroyl visited Carmen, who wasliving in a nursing home there. She had had evidently been brought toTexas by a son who lived there. | Horm, Carmen (I2418)
149 | According to Vivian Doney Reid, Caroline Frantz came to the USA whenshe was 8 years old about 1888. According to Vivian Doney Reid,Caroline lived near Stuttgart sp ?, Germany. She and her family leftLe Havre in France to come to the USA in 1888. Vivian said the familywas from the Alsace Lorraine area of France. Vivian remembered oneclue that she thought might help to pinpoint the family location inFrance-- when Uncle Jake passed by, people used to say, 'there goesJake from 'Shellbach'. I looked at a map of France and did not findthe name of a town in France similar to this name, but I did find atown named Shellsburg in in Pennsylvania. Viv says Jake was never nearShellsburg, PA. May have lived near Strasbourg or Metz sp.?Certificate of Death, File No. 70726, 1. Place of Death a. County,Indiana b. Township, Canoe 2. Usual residence of deceased a. State,Pennsylvania b. County, Indiana c. City, Rossiter 3. Full Name, a.Caroline Frantz Doney b. U.S. Veteran, blank c. Social Security No.,blank 4. Sex, female 5. Color, white 6. a. Single, widowed, married,divorced- married b. Name of husband or wife, John Calvin Doney c. Ageof husband or wife, if alive, 75 years. 7. Birth date of deceased,Oct. 2, 1879 8. Age, 68 years, 10 months, 28 days 9. Birthplace,Alsace-Lorraine 10. Usual occupation, housewife 11. Industry orbusiness, blank 12. Name of father, Henry Frantz 13. Birthplace,Alsace- Lorraine 14. Mother's maiden name, Caroline Anthony 15.Birthplace, Alsace-Lorraine 16. Informant's own signature and address,J. C. Doney, Rossiter, Pa. 17. Burial, 2 September 1948, GreenwoodCemetery, Jefferson County, Pa. 18. Signature of funeral director, ?Morrison, Punxsutawney, Pa. 19. a. Date received by local registrar, 1Sept. 1948, b. Registrar's signature, Alice B. Leopold. 20. Date ofdeath: Month- August, day- 30, year- 1948, hour 10:45 P.M. 21. Ihereby certify that I attended the deceased from Aug. 20, 1948 to Aug.30, 1948, that I last saw her alive on August 30, 1948 and that deathoccurred on the date and hour stated above. Immediate cause of death,Auricular Fibrillation, duration, 3 years due to Congestive heartfailure and Myocardidtis (years). 22. Death due to external causes-accident, suicide, homicide, blank 23. Signature, ? McCauley M.D.,Punxsutawney, Pa. signed August 30, 1948. Caroline Frantz went to aLutheran School, maybe in Anita, PA. The Lutherans knew German andcould teach the immigrant children. She told Viv that one day she sawJ.C. Doney riding a bicycle and said I'm going to set my hat for him.How they met we really don't know. They married in 1899. In 1901 J.C.and Caroline moved to Rossiter (maybe with the Frantzs). They lived ina duplex- Grandma and Grandpa Frantz on one side and Caroline and J.C. on the other. This house is still standing (1994) on Main Street inRossiter where you turn to go up to Aunt Peg's. The house had a washhouse out back where they took a bath and got dressed. Later theDoneys purchased a boarding house. Viv doesn't know when, but she iscertain she lived there when she was in the first grade and maybebefore. Caroline and J.C. made the building into a boarding house.Whenthey closed the boarding house J.C. sold all the furniture to a manwho owned a hotel. The guy took the furniture but never paid for it.When Vivian Doney Reid was 8 or 9 she and her family took a tripthrough Ohio. Grandma & Grandpa Frantz, Cal and Caroline Doney, andtheir children. They took two cars- J.C. had a baby grand Chevy andDaniel had a white racing car. They went to Liberty Center, Ohio tosee Grandpa Frantz's brother- he had fought in the Civil War- helooked exactly like Grandpa Frantz- beard and full moustache. Theyalso went to Napoleon, Ohio where they visited the son of GrandpaFrantz's brother. They also visited Catherine Dillman (her mother wassome relative of the Frantz's). She lived near Napoleon. Note: Duringa telephone conversation with Jake Frantz on 1/16/95, he said thatsome relatives of the Frantzs lived in Napoleon, Ohio and that theyhad a cantelope farm there. He said that June would have known whothey were because they always sent cards to his Dad. A newly enactedlaw in Pa. created a $50 fine for cutting down an evergreen treewithout the owner's permission. That Christmas, Caroline Doney wantedtwo little trees for her front porch. Bill and Vivian were elected togo out into the woods to cut two trees. As usual, they drove to a spotwhere the trees were plentiful and Bill got out of the car to cut thetrees down. Just as he was finishing, the farmer, gun in hand, camerunning down the lane yelling at them. Viv, who was driving startedthe car, and tried to drive away, but it was stuck in the mud. Billgot out to push the car, the farmer getting closer by the second.Finally, the wheels caught and the car moved up out of the mud, andViv drove away leaving Bill and the farmer running behind her yelling.When they got home, Caroline said to Bill, 'Did you get the trees?' Hesaid, 'Yes, $100 worth.' Caroline and J.C. Doney took Caroyl Reid tovisit Sam and Rose Hunter. The two couples liked to play cardstogether. Sometimes they would stay up until 4 o'clock in the morningplaying cards. Grandma Doney liked to play '500'. Grandma Doney was anexcellent seamstress and cook. She made lots of clothes and also mademany cloth toys. A platform rocker in the possession of Susan ReidSharp was given to Caroline and J.C. Doney as a wedding present.Susan also has a bench with metal legs ending in claw feet whichbelonged to the Doneys . | Frantz, Caroline (I1868)
150 | According to Vivian Doney Reid, he was a crummy barber. The family joke was that the towel in his shop "made a good many miles." He said one time he was visiting the Doney's, Jenny will neve make me wear this straw hat again and he threw it in the fireplace. One time he cut Vivian Doney Reid's hair and almost scalped her. He chewed tobacco all the time. He seemed happy; he was always laughing and joking around. | Doney, William (I1605)