Hillbillies & Vikings

This site is focused broadly on all descendants of John Denboe, an indentured servant who came to the Crown Colony of Maryland in about the year 1664. Also, it maintains a special emphasis on the descendants of John Denbow (1797-1862) and his brother Bazeleel (1795-1857), early pioneers in the hills of Southeastern Ohio, as well as the descendants of Jón Jónsson (1841-1934) of Dalasýsla, Iceland, who was an Icelandic immigrant to Canada and now has progeny throughout North America.


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 #   Notes   Linked to 
151 According to Vivian Doney Reid, her great grandmother's name was RoseBarron. The name Magdaline Hartman came from a death certificate. Hartman, Magdaline (I2194)
152 According to Vivian Doney Reid, Isabel and Jack had no childrentogether. He had a son, Jack, by a previous marriage. Braughler, Jack (I670)
153 According to Vivian Doney Reid, Jacob Frantz, her grandfather'sbrother, lived in Liberty Center, Ohio (near Napoleon) and fought inthe Civil War. He looked exactly like Harry Frantz-big beard, too. Frantz, Jacob (I1880)
154 According to Vivian Doney Reid, June was the youngest child. She hadred hair and was not very pretty. Horm, June (I2421)
155 According to Vivian Doney Reid, Louis and Lydia had only one child,Emery. Louis and Lydia were separated and may have divorced. Accordingto Vivian Doney Reid, Louis died of scarlet fever or typhoid. Somesay Dr. Pringle killed him with the treatment - evidently they put icebags on him Frantz, Louis (I1887)
156 According to Vivian Doney Reid, Mildred had no children. Occupation:Nurse When her Grandfather, Daniel Doney, was sick, Mildred came fromDetroit and moved in with him and took care of him until he died. Horm, Mildred (I2423)
157 According to Vivian Doney Reid, one summer Ann came to visit herparents when they ran the boarding house. She brought several of herchildren with her. They all had whooping cough and were coughing andvomiting. Ann stayed for two weeks. Viv said it was great forbusiness- not too many people wanted to come to eat where there wereso many sick kids. Ann would come to visit each summer before schoolstarted so that Caroline could make school clothes for June. Viv alsorecalled that just after her arrival home from the hospital aftergiving birth to Susan, she heard a knock at the door. When sheanswered it there stood Ann with one of her grandchildren. They hadcome, 'unannounced', to help with the new baby. They stayed severaldays. Viv said they were a 'big help', and that everytime Ann wasn'taround she cried. Kromer, Ann (I2757)
158 According to Vivian Doney Reid, Peg was beautiful. Smith, Peg (I4056)
159 According to Vivian Doney Reid, Pete married and had a lot of kids.She thinks he lived in the Reynoldsville area. Horm, Calvin 'Pete' (I2417)
160 According to Vivian Doney Reid, Sam Hunter had two children. Place ofResidence: Portage and Dunlow, Pa. Samuel Hunter had throat cancerand had his voice box removed. He had just learned to talk when thecancer recurred and he did not survive. He used to write on a tabletbefore he learned to speak again. Hunter, Sam (I2486)
161 According to Viviqan Doney Reid Don had brain damage he suffered in amotorcycle accident. According to Harold Frantz in a telephoneconversation on 1/16/95, Don lives in Alverda, Pa. in the big housewhich belonged to Harold's dad, Jacob Frantz. He said the house has 8bedrooms and Don lives there alone. He said Don was in an accidentwith a school bus in the 1970's. They put a 'plate' in his head in aPittsburgh, Pa. hospital after the accident. He does not rememberthings very well. He drives a car, but often can't remember afterlooking to see if a car is coming whether or not one was coming?Harold said that Don is in his 50's; Jake estimated that he is around55. Long, Don (I2871)
162 Acording to Robert Henderson Sharp may have lived in Weston, Ohio andmay have been in charge of the Railroad depot there. U.S. Census 1880,Wood County, Ohio, Village of Weston, page 267, sheet 10, Henderson,J.K., head, DOB July 1859 (NOTE difference in this date from familyrecords), 40, no. of years married 15, capitalist, POB PA, POBM&F PA;Anna E., wife, DOB April 1862, 38, no. of yeears married 15, mother ofhow many children 2, how many living 2, POB ohio, POBM Ohio, POBF PA;Clara F., daughter, DOB Sept 1885, 14, POB Ohio, POBM Ohio, POBF PA;Amy Belle, daughter, DOB Feb 1893, 7, POB Ohio POBM Ohio, POBF PA. Henderson, J. Kyle (I2267)
163 Actual diary entry that contains numerous errors (wrong age, transcription error on regiment number, etc.): "April 14, today I was awakened at four o'clock to lay out a dead man. His name was Bryan Davis, K. 28th Ill. wounded through the lungs. Since writing the above a man died. His name was John Denbow, 18 Ohio. He was upwards 77 years old. His son is also in the hospital; he is over 45 years old."
Fact Flags: Preferred  
Denbow, John Sr. (I1229)
164 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I2964)
165 Additional information: Was part-time preacher in Methodist church. Ran meat market as main job. This information is from a chart given to Rusell T. Arndts by Ruth Hurlbert. The chart is called the Paternal Family Tree. The word "Maternal" is crossed out and the word "Paternal" has been added. The 'Haldeman book' says, Ardelia Ester Haldeman was married in July 1879 to Frank Gigax, father of the bride, Dr. John S. Haldeman performed the ceremony in the Seventh Street Methodist Church in Zanesville, Ohio.

The name Gigax is of Swiss origin. Frank owned a grocery store in Zanesvile. Later moved to Fultonham. 
Gigax, Frank (I1978)
166 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I2922)
167 Administered his father's estate in 1704, according to Barnes Report. Conveyed land to Abraham Jarrett (100 acres of Powell's Choice) on 9 May 1769. This was about one half of what he had owned. Thomas' wife Elizabeth consented to the transaction. Denbow, Thomas (I1434)
168 Adolff/Aleff Dunckelnberg was born on the Dunckelnberg Farm outsideOhligs, Germany, circa 1606 and died in Pilghausen, a section ofSolingen about three miles east of the Dunckelnberg Farm in the Ohligssection of Solingen, at approximately eighty years ofage on 25 May1686. We do not at this time know the names of his parents. Frombaptismal records of 21 October 1648, Adolff's wife's name was Lisgen.According to baptismal records they had six children. The nameDunkelberger means 'Dark Mountain'. Dunckelnberg, Adolff (I1639)
169 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I3951)
170 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I140)
171 After coming the the USA, the spelling of the last name was changed in this branch of the family from GYGAX to GIGAX. Other branches maintained the Old World spelling. Gygax, Jacob (I2111)
172 After David was killed, Ruth moved her family by train to Adrian, Pa.'They lived in a house not far up the road on the left side from thebridge coming from Punxsy towards Adrian. The house is still there.'(Told to Lois Jean Edwards by her father, Alexander Paige Reid.) Ruthlived in Harmony, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania and died at age 52.She died in the Adrian Hospital in Adrian, Pennsylvania, one ofseveral hospitals named Adrian. She is buried in Circle Hill Cemeteryin Punxsutawney, Pa. Geraldine Reid Wonder said her father, Dave Reid,and others always said that none of Ruth Simpson's family came to theU.S. Ruth's wedding ring was in the possession of Jean Reid Edwards.Letter dated December 5, 1986 from Jean Reid Edwards to Caroyl Reid.'Dad (Alexander Reid) would tell, with a chuckle, of a time he wasplaying checkers with one of his brothers. He had a man to be madeking, so he said, 'Crown him KIng, Lord of All.' His mom (RuthSimpson) was passing by and heard this and without one word gave him aclout on his head that made him see stars. She then made a commentthat there was just 'one Lord of All' and never make a statement likethat again. Said by a good Presbyterian.' Could not locate Ruth Reidin 1990 Soundex - may because there were no kids in the householdunder 10. Simpson, Ruth (I4028)
173 After death of husband, spent time living with various children. Lived in Athens, Ohio, with son Carl for several years before going to California to be with daughters. Was talented in music; played the piano quite well. Was a most loving and caring grandmother. Gigax, Edna Esther (I1974)
174 after graduation from Miami he moved to Niles, Ohio joining his mother and his brother, Shorty. Bob taught History at Washington Junior High School for 3 years and he taught English at Niles McKinley High School for 2 or 3 years. Sharp, Robert Henderson (I3871)
175 Age at death-4 years. Frantz, Jacob G. (I1881)
176 Age at Death: 33 years. Scharff, Catharina (I3732)
177 Age at death: 73 years, 2 days. Buried in Row 15 of the Ringgoldcemetery, Ringgold Twp., Jefferson County, PA. Eve (I1792)
178 Age at death: 85 years, 19 days. Buried in Row 15 of the Ringgoldcemetery, Ringgold Twp., Jefferson County, PA. Book: TombstoneHopping by Patricia Steele, Holben, Elias, 85 years; married; died1/22/98 at Ringgold; old age; duration, 4 months; buried RinggoldCem., 1/26/98, Parents not given. Holben, Elias (I2359)
179 Age at Death: Died at about age 3 years; sometime after her sister,Agnes' death in 1912. Reid, Nellie (I3533)
180 Age at death: Died before her husband. Catharina (I802)
181 Albany Gap,Greene,Wisconsin,USA Bobo, Mary Lucretia (I584)
182 Alexander Paige Reed Obituary (1956) and some additional research notes from Susan Sharp are in exhibit. Reid, Alexander Paige (I3475)
183 Alonzo's son was Carl Kendrick Denbow, a Columbus dentist
Short Footnote:
Article Title: Alonzo Carleton Denbow: A Teetotaling Lawyer
Short Article Title: A.C. Denbow article
Author: Mary Denbow PETRO
Date: DEC 1999
Series: The Denbow Diaspora
Volume: Vol. 6, No. 2 
Source (S80)
184 also might be Viejo, California. Hunter, James 'Jimmy' (I2465)
185 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I6546)
186 Amelia Lilley Obituary Lilley, Amelia (I5840)
187 An exerpt from:


The following genealogical notes concerning the Swiss family of Haldimand have been furnished by a correspondent in Switzerland. The family derived their descent from "honest" (honniete) Gaspard Haldimand, originally of the bailiwick of Thun, in Canton Berne, who removed to Yverdun, 1st April, 1671, and was admitted to citizenship 26 March, 1694, with his four sons, one of whom Francois Lois, notary and justiciary of Yverdun (1728-1737), married Marie Madelaine de Tray-torrens, and had several sons and one daughter. 
Haldiman, Gaspard (I2124)
188 An interesting name.
Witness Role: Bride: [I1161] Hannah J. DENBOW
Witness Role: Groom: [I2708] E. A. KNODLE 
Family: E. A. Knodle / Hannah J. Denbow (F611)
189 An interesting name.
Witness Role: Principal: [F611] ...of (parents not known)
Witness Role: Bride: [I1161] Hannah J. DENBOW
Witness Role: Groom: [I2708] E. A. KNODLE 
Denbow, Hannah J. (I1161)
190 An interesting name.
Witness Role: Principal: [F611] ...of (parents not known)
Witness Role: Bride: [I1161] Hannah J. DENBOW
Witness Role: Groom: [I2708] E. A. KNODLE 
Knodle, E. A. (I2708)
191 Ancestry.com. U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2015. This source gives 26 Jun 1882 as her birth date, which I believe to be correct, several other sources say 26 Jul 1882. Since the former is based on an application that she presumable made herself, I tend to believe it is correct. Gigax, Edna Esther (I1974)
192 and brother Thomas were taxables (i.e., over 16 years old) listed in the 1706 Tax List of South Side of Gunpowder Hundred (X:60,Barnes I, citations). Denbow, John (I1231)
193 and was living as a roomer in the home of William McQuate. Denbow, Elmer Forest (I1124)
194 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I2125)
195 Andrew Vance Sharp Obituary Sharp, Andrew Vance (I3802)
196 Anna died in 1919 at the age of 83. Marselius, Anna Rebecca (I2995)
197 Anna McCoy lived in Toledo and later in Muskegon, Michigan. She spentsome winters in Winter Haven, Florida. Sharp, Anna May (I3803)
198 Apparently died as a child. She was 5 months old in the U. S. Census1860. Bobo, Elizabeth J. (I507)
199 appear to have a granddaughter, Grace Denbow, living with them, according to the 1900 census. This girl's birthday was recorded in the census as June 1898. I suspect that this is actually James B. Denbow's daughter Grace, whose birth year is 1892.
Witness Role: Principal 2: [I3098] Anna Mary MCVEY
Witness Role: Principal 2: [I1436] Thomas DENBOW 
Denbow, Thomas (I1436)
200 appear to have a granddaughter, Grace Denbow, living with them, according to the 1900 census. This girl's birthday was recorded in the census as June 1898. I suspect that this is actually James B. Denbow's daughter Grace, whose birth year is 1892.
Witness Role: Principal: [I1436] Thomas DENBOW
Witness Role: Principal 2: [I3098] Anna Mary MCVEY
Witness Role: Principal 2: [I1436] Thomas DENBOW 
McVey, Anna Mary (I3098)

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