
Hillbillies & Vikings
This site is focused broadly on all descendants of John Denboe, an indentured servant who came to the Crown Colony of Maryland in about the year 1664. Also, it maintains a special emphasis on the descendants of John Denbow (1797-1862) and his brother Bazeleel (1795-1857), early pioneers in the hills of Southeastern Ohio, as well as the descendants of Jón Jónsson (1841-1934) of Dalasýsla, Iceland, who was an Icelandic immigrant to Canada and now has progeny throughout North America.
Matches 301 to 350 of 6,302
# | Notes | Linked to |
301 | Blytheville,Mississippi,Arizona,USA | Burch, Francis (I731)
302 | Blytheville,Mississippi,Arizona,USA | Denbow, Clarence Herbert (I1069)
303 | Bob recalls visiting his grandparents, Elias and Mary Sharp, on their Vinton County farm near Lake Hope when he was a boy. He would leave Bucyrus, Ohio, on the train. The railroad tracks ran right through his grandparents farm, so he said instead of riding to the station, when the train got to their farm it would slow down, they would throw his bag off the train and then lower him to the ground and he would pick up his bag and run across the fields to his grandparents' house. He said he slept up stairs in a large loft-like room in a bed with a feather tick. He said his grandmother, Mary Bobo Sharp, smoked a pipe. We have a picture of her with it. The Sharp's had an outhouse with an apple tree next to it. Bob said when you were sitting in there, occasionally, an apple would drop and hit the tin roof and scare you to death. The Sharp's had an orchard and grew corn. They also dug their own coal from a mine just across the road from their house. They had a pony named Bill and a horse named Jim. We have pictures of them from a July 1919 visit to the farm. | Sharp, Robert Henderson (I3871)
304 | Bob was born on Saturday, March 12.1904 at noon in his family home in Bucyrus, Ohio. His Mother noted this fact in her chronology of family events. | Sharp, Robert Henderson (I3871)
305 | Bohachek Bruce T. Bohachek, age 52, longtime resident of Columbus, OH passed away July 15, 2014 in Bradenton, FL after a long battle with cancer. Bruce was born April 30, 1962 in Dayton, OH, graduated with honors from Fairmont West High School and Purdue University. He is survived by his loving parents, Theodore V. and Ann (Slossnagel) Bohachek, Sun City Center, FL; sister, Lynn Tuomenoksa (David), Little Silver, NJ; nephews, Ryan and Matthew; Aunt, Claire Bohachek; longtime companion, Ellen Smith; and many loving cousins. Special thanks are due to his wonderful caregivers at Riviera Palms Nursing Center, the wonderful friends and relatives who remembered him with cheery cards and prayers, the staff at Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus, and Dr. Joel Shaw. The family will receive friends at ROUTSONG FUNERAL HOME, 2100 E. Stroop Rd., Kettering, on Sunday, August 10 from 1-4 p.m. Interment at Dayton Memorial Gardens will be private. Bruce was active with the Columbus Landmarks Foundation so anyone wishing to commemorate his life, could do so by giving time or money to them at 61 Jefferson Ave., Columbus OH 43215 or to the humane society of your choice. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting www.routsong.com. | Bohachek, Bruce Theodore (I628)
306 | Book Marriages of Crawford County, Ohio (1831-1989). Cooper, John DOM26 September 1901. Sherer, Maggie J. Vol. 15, Page 362. Tombstonestates: Maggie J. Cooper, wife of John Cooper, Died May 22, 1914,aged 63 years, 7 months, and 23 das. Maggie's first husband, FrancisM. Sherer, 'ran off' with Maggie's youngest sister, Belle. Theysupposedly went to California to live. This, of course, was a bigfamily scandal. F.M. Sherer and Belle were never to be mentionedagain. It is not clear whether Maggie and Francis were actuallydivorced or whether he and Belle were ever actually married. Francisdied in Dec. 1889 and Maggie married John Cooper in September 1901.This is a subject for further research. U.S. Census 1880, CrawfordCounty, Ohio, Whetstone Township, Cleveland Wards 1-4, lists F.M.Sherer; 30; farmer; POB, Ohio; POBF, Pennsylvania; POBM, Ohio: MaggieJ.; 29; wife; POB, PA.; POBF, PA.; POBM, PA.: Samuel B.; 10; son; POB,Ohio; POBF, Ohio; POBM, PA: John H.; 7; son; POB, Ohio; POBF, Ohio;POBM, PA: Adam; 5; son; POB, Ohio; POBF, Ohio; POBM, PA: Birdie B.; 2;son; (Birdie is a girl) POB, Ohio; POBF, Ohio; POBM, PA: Elsie M.;6/12; dau; POB, Ohio; POBF, Ohio; POBM,PA: Kerr, Charles; white;female ?; 21; servant; POB, Ohio; POBF, Ohio; POBM, Ohio. Since the1880 US Census for Crawford County, Ohio indicates Maggie was born inPa. and her birthdate is 1850, look for James Henderson in Pa. inthe1850 US Census. Wood Co. Atlas indicates Henderson settled in WoodCounty, Ohio in 1874. Perhaps they were in PA until then. AfterMaggie's marriage to John Cooper, she became known as Grandma Cooper,the source of Grandma Cooper's itch. Grandma Cooper, her daughter,Maude Elsie Sherer Sharp, her grandson, Robert Henderson Sharp, hergreat grandson, Robert Tadsen Sharp, and her great great grandson,Robert Reid Sharp all have it! They scratch one shoulder blade sooften that they wear the shirt material thin in that spot. Accordingto notes in the Sharp Family Bible, Maggie Jane Henderson died ofcancer. Robert Henderson Sharp said she was operated on in Toledo,Ohio. Burial in Oakwood Cemetery Bucyrus, Ohio Location: Sec/Lot:M/R5-28. U.S. Census 1910 Crawford County, Ohio Bucyrus, lists Johnand Maggie Cooper as having been married 8 years. John Cooper wasborn in Ohio as were his mother and father. John Cooper is listed asthe manager of a hardware store. W. D. Henderson, brother-in-law, isalso living with them. He and his parents were born in Pa. He iswidowed and also the manager of a hardware store. Gold watch and blackcap belonging to Maggie Jane Henderson Sherer Cooper are in thepossession of Robert and Susan Sharp. Possibly also a walnut washstandwith chocolate marble top. Check with Bob. A tintype of Maggie with asmall boy and the same image of Maggie in a gold oval frame are in theposession of her great grandson, Robert T. Sharp. | Henderson, Margaret Jane (I2272)
307 | Book: According to Chuck Bobo's Bobo Family History, Revised June1990, this child is identified later in life in the Johnson history asLouisa Wilson? | Johnson, Eliza (I2560)
308 | Book: Bobo Family History , Draft Manuscript, Revised June 1990, by Charles Henry Bobo, states that James Graham was a Captain in the Revolutionary War and served under General Wayne. He was also said to be a Presbyterian. The dates given here for James Graham and his wives are extracted fom the book, The Bobo Family History, Draft Manuscript, Revised June 1990 by Charles Henry Bobo. The dates are from several different sources, people who have communicated with Mr.Bobo, and seem to conflict with one another. I have included them because they may provide clues for further research. The copy of James Graham's will is also extracted from this book. Meigs County, Ohio Will Book 1, pages 89-91. Will and Testament of James Graham dec'd. In the name of God Amen, I, James Graham of Rutland Township, in Meigs County & State of Ohio considering the uncertainty of thismortal life, and being of sound mind but weak in body, do make & publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, viz. First, I do give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth Graham all the monies, Rights, Property, Goods of any kind whatsoever now due to me from John Black by his note bond or other instrument whatsoever. Also all the rents profits use or income of whatsoevername or nature arising from the lot or farm which I now live on in said Rutland & which I lately conveyed by deed to my son Henry Lasley Graham a minor during the natural life of her the said Elizabeth Graham. I also give and bequeath to her the said Elizabeth all my personal property, to wit: all the cows, Horses, sheep, swine or othercattle and also all household furniture of every name, nature, or description belonging to me together with all monies, dues, debts, ordemands of whatsoever name or nature. She the said Elizabeth is to pay and discharge all Just debts & demands that may be against me at my decease. I do also will and bequeath to each of my children, namely, Margaret Bobo, William Graham, John Graham, Sarah Carpenter, David Graham, Gabrel Graham, Susannah Caster, James R. Graham, Samuel Graham the sum of One dollar each to be Paid by my Executor out of mypersonal Property. I do also will & bequeath to my Daughter MaryGraham, twenty five dollars to be Paid by my said minor Son Henry L.Graham when he becomes of lawful age & comes into full possession of the premises before described. And I do hereby nominate & appoint Jonathan Lasley my sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made. In witness thereof, I have here unto set my hand and seal this eighth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two. James L.Graham L.S. Seal Signed, Sealed, Published & declared by the above named James Graham to be his last Will and Testament in the presenceof us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses in presenceof the Testator. Samuel Downing George Downing Harrison Downing TheState of Ohio, Meigs County SS I do hereby certify the foregoing tobe a true copy of the last Will & Testament of James Graham dec'd aspresented in open Court & the execution thereof proven by the oaths ofGeorge Downing and Harrison Downing two of the subscribing witnesses thereto & the Court being satisfied from the testimony adduced that the Testator was at the time of executing the same of sound mind &memory & not under restraint Order that the same be recorded M.Bosworth Clerk | Graham, James (I2043)
309 | Book: Bobo Family History, Draft Manuscript, Revised June 1990 byCharles Henry Bobo contains this notation: Died 1 August 1852, Aged11 years. | Brine, Elihu (I679)
310 | Book: Bobo Family History, Draft Manuscript, Revised June 1990 byCharles Henry Bobo states Almon died January 21, 1838 or 1858, aged 7years, 5 months. | Brine, Almon (I678)
311 | Book: Bobo Family History, Draft Manuscript, Revised June 1990 byCharles Henry Bobo states the epitaph of this child could not be read. | Brine (I677)
312 | Book: Bobo Family History, Draft Manuscript, Revised June 1990 byCharles Henry Bobo, states in the new cemetery in McArthur there is agrave on the Clements lot for 'Mother Bobo', Margaret Bobo, 25Decenber 1812 --22 March 1896. which could be the grave of Ezekiel'ssecond wife. | Brown, Margaret (I705)
313 | Book: Cemeteries of Crawford County, Ohio. Vol. 3, Lists Sherer,Maude, DOB 22 April 1871, DOD 2 September 1899, Daughter of W.A.Sampson and Nancy C. James, Husband Sherer, Samuel R., buried in LukeCemetery on Cox Road in Sandusky Township,Rt. 176, Crawford County,Ohio. | Sampson, Maude (I3713)
314 | Book: Marriages in Crawford County, Ohio (1831-1989) lists themarriage of Bertha B. Sherer daughter of Francis to Benjamin Collins,son of Francis M. on 8 August 1895. Vol. 13, Page 181. | Collins, Francis M. (I875)
315 | Book: Marriages in Crawford County, Ohio (1831-1989). Sherer Adam M.DOM 29 November 1903. Heckart, Edith M. Vol. 16, Page 84. According toRobert Henderson Sharp 'Uncle Add' was a religious fanatic, a 'nut'.Bob and Tad, his wife, went to visit them once and Uncle Add and hiswife did not invite them into the house. The Sherers came outside totalk and Bob and Tad sat in the car during the entire visit. | Sherer, Adam Monroe (I3912)
316 | Book: Marriages in Vinton County, Ohio 1850-1870 by Mary J. Hixon andFrances Hixon. Morris Sharp and Sina L. Hill 12 December 1861. U.S.Census 1870, Vinton County, Ohio, Madison Township, page 129. MorrisSharp, age 34, is listed as living with Thomas Sharp. He 'works onfarm' and was born in Ohio. He has no wife listed. The date of birthwas given to me by Sherry Hunter Strickland in a letter dated 21March 1995. The information came from the family records of her UncleBill. | Sharp, Morris (I3865)
317 | Book: Marriages of Crawford County, Ohio (1831-1989). Sherer, SamuelR. son of Francis, DOM 20 December1888. Stanley Nellie. Vol. 12, Page039. Book: Marriages of Crawford County, Ohio (1831-1989). Sherer,Samuel R. son of Francis M., DOM 15 April 1896. Sampson, Maudedaughter of W. A.Vol. 13, Page 238. Book: Marriages of CrawfordCounty, Ohio(1831-1989). Sherer, Samuel Richard, DOM 12 May 1902.Frank, Anna Marie. Vol.15, Page 471. Book: Cemeteries of CrawfordCounty, Ohio, Oakwood Cemetery , Bucyrus, Ohio Samuel R. Sherer,Burial Number 10405, Location: Sec/Lot: R/39. | Sherer, Samuel Richard (I3983)
318 | Book: The Bobo Family History , Draft Manuscript, Revised June 1990,by Charles Henry Bobo quotes David H. Bobo as saying that Gabriel Boboowned a sizeable farm just west of Albany, Ohio. The farm is shown onearly land maps. He was apparently quite well off. Anise Wilson,Gabriel's grandaughter, who was 91 in 1964 says that 'Gabriel's houseis still standing, something like a mile from the Townhouse Church'.The barn is built of glazed cement blocks. Gabriel's marriage toMatilda Dailey was performed by his brother-in-law, Jonatahn Brine. | Bobo, Gabriel G. (I521)
319 | Book: The Bobo Family History , Draft Manuscript, Revised June 1990by Charles Henry Bobo, page 3-7 states the marriage record is fromAthens County, Ohio, Vol.1/2, page 147. The marriage was performed byJonathan Brine, the bride's brother-in-law. | Bobo, Jemima (I548)
320 | Book: The Bobo Family History, Draft Manuscript, Revised June 1990 byCharles H. Bobo page 3-5 states Rebecca's death notice indicates thatshe died of ersipeleas. Marriage Record, Athens County, Ohio Vol. 3,page 246. | Adams, Rebecca (I85)
321 | Book: The Bobo Family History, Draft Manuscript, Revised June 1990 byCharles Henry Bobo page 3-6 states this couple was married by Rev.Jonathan Brine, the groom's brother-in-law. | Bobo, Jacob (I537)
322 | Book: The Bobo Family History, Draft Manuscript, Revised June 1990 byCharles Henry Bobo, page 3-5 states that Benson is buried next toGabriel and Matilda Bobo. His military stone identifies him as in Co.B, 141 Ohio Infantry. Anise Wison, Gabriel's grandaughter, says thatBenson contracted typhoid while in the Army and was hauled fromCincinnati to Albany (Ohio) in a wagon. He reached home alive, butdied soon after. He was unmarried. | Bobo, Benson (I490)
323 | Book: Who, Where, When, Volume 2, Jefferson County, PA., by Patricia Steele. December 22, 1884 Margaret Doney wife of Jason Doney Jr. died near Emerickville; she was 32 years, 4 months, and 6 days. | Margaret (I2985)
324 | Books can be ordered from: Catherine Foreaker Fedorchak Monroe Chapter OGS P.O. Box641, Woodsfield, Ohio 43793 Footnote: Short Footnote: Bibliography: Short Title: Fedorchak History Author: Catharine Foreaker FEDORCHAK Publish Date: 1983 Publisher: Catharine Foreaker Fedorchak Publisher Address: 2808 Cumberland, Apt 1A Valparaiso, IN 46383 | Source (S20)
325 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I3312)
326 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I2501)
327 | BOWLING Ardyce S. Bowling, 102, of Columbus, passed away Wednesday, December 21, 2011 at Friendship Village. He was born September 14, 1909 in Bluefield, VA, son of the late Clinton and Matilda Hayes Bowling. In addition to his parents, Ardyce was preceded in death by his wife Wilma Snider Bowling and twelve siblings. A graduate of Wellston High School, and Wilmington College, he received a Masters of Education from Ohio University in 1952. Ardyce held the rank of Assistant Professor at Ohio University until he retired in 1975, at which time he was awarded emeritus status. His career in Education spanned 47 years. He was also a long time member of the First United Methodist Church, Athens. Ardyce is survived by his son, Dr. John (Jan) Bowling; daughters, Sarah (David) Kraft and Nanci (Robert) Kirkpatrick; grand-children, Rob Kirkpatrick, Heather Shannon, Jack, James, and Jason Bowling and ten great-grand-children. Visitation will be Thursday, December 29, 2011 from 4-8 p.m. at North Broadway United Methodist Church, 48 E. North Broadway, Columbus. Funeral service will be Friday, December 30, 2011 at 10 a.m. at the church. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the church. Arrangements have been entrusted to NEWCOMER FUNERAL HOME NE CHAPEL, 3047 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., Columbus. To leave a special message for the family please visit www.NewcomerColumbus.com Published in The Columbus Dispatch on Dec. 25, 2011 | Bowling, Ardyce Saul (I654)
328 | Bride is supposed to be older than the groom by several years. Placeof Residence: Sudderville, Maryland. | Godfrey, Molly (I2019)
329 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I4705)
330 | Brush Creek was later called Arlington | Thompson, Zachariah (I4325)
331 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I4093)
332 | built a big farm house on outskirts of Woodsfield on State Route 78. The house is on the left side of the road as you approach Woodsfield coming from Lewisville. His sons helped him build the house in the late 1890s. | Denbow, James Tanner (I4837)
333 | Burgher of Pilghausen, Germany. | Scharff, Jacobus (I3733)
334 | Buried State Line Cemetery, Highways 231/431 on the Alabama/Tennessee border. | Bobo, Benjamin Harrison 'Harry' (I489)
335 | By the time of diagnosis, his lung cancer had spread to the brain. He received a few weeks of chemotherapy and died as a result of septicemia (blood infection), secondary to the treatment itself. That is, his immune system did not recover from the effects of the chemotherapy, which allowed the infection to run wild [There was some disagreement among his doctors whether the brain or the lung cancer was primary.] | Denbow, Carl Herbert (I1049)
336 | Calis,,Ohio,USA | Hickman, Eiza Jane (I2304)
337 | Came to USA about 1863. According to the notes of Matilda HunterSaunders (July 1937), Only five children survive with manygrandchildren. By the time these notes were made both Matilda andDouglass were dead. | Hunter, Matilda (I2482)
338 | Came to USA about 1863. According to Vivian Doney Reid, Ellen lived inPunxsutawney, Pa. When she died they had to take her casket out thewindow because they couldn't make the turn through the door. She usedto tell really wild, exciting stories. Caroline Doney said she madethem up. She never married. She was friends with Grandma CarolineDoney. She was very tiny. | Hunter, Ellen (I2463)
339 | Came to USA about 1863. Marital Status: Never married. | Hunter, Johnnie Thesecond (I2471)
340 | Came to USA circa 1863. According to the notes of Matilda Hunter Saunders (July 1937) Lizzie and her family are all dead except for Sam, Jr. She is survived by 3 grandchildren and several greatgrandchildren. | Hunter, Lizzie Mary (I2476)
341 | Came to USA from France in 1888. One family story was that Henry wasan aid to Napoleon III in the Franco Prussian War. He was in thecavalry. He came to this country because he did not want his sons tofight for Germany. He hated Germans and always sang the Marsiellessp?. He was very patriotic about France. US Census 1910, Pennsylvania,Indiana County, Canoe Twp., Rossiter, Date of Enumeration, 7 May,Roll 1350, Vol. 124, ED 0063 Household No. 0283. Name, Frantz, HenrySr.; Relation, head; Sex, male; Color, white; Age at last birthday,64; Marital Status, married; Number of years of present marriage, 34;Place of birth, Fr French; Place of birth of father, Fr. French; Placeof birth of mother, Fr French, Year of Emmigration to United States,1888; Whether alien or naturalized, Na; Able to speak English orlanguage spoken, Eng; Trade or profession, none; Can read, yes; Canwrite, yes; Home: owned or rented, rented; Owned free or mortgaged, -;Farm or house, house. Name, Doney, Caroline; Relation, Wife; Sex, F;Color, white; Age at lst birthday, 54; Marital Status, married; numberof years of present marriage, 34; Mother of how many children: Numberborn-5, Number living-5; Place of Birth, Fr French; Place of birth offather, Fr French; Place of birth of mother, Fr French; Year ofEmmigration to the United States, 1888; Whether naturalized or alien,blank; Able to speak English or language spoken, English; Trade orprofession, none; Can read, yes; Can write, yes. Name, Frantz, Jacob;Relation, son; Sex, male; Color, white; Age at last birthday, 26;Marital status, single; Place of birth, Germ Fr; Place of birth offather, Fr French; Place of birth of mother, Fr French; Year ofEmmigration to the United States, 1888; Whether naturalized or alien,Na; Able to speak English or language spoken, Eng; Trade orprofession, miner; Nature of business or industry, Coal mine; Employeror Employee, W; Out of work on April 15, 1910, No; Number of monthsunemployed, 0; Can read, yes; Can write, yes. Name, Robertson, Thomas;Relation, Boarder; Sex, male; Color, white; Age at last birthday, 34;Marital status, single; Place of birth, PA.; Place of birth of father,Scot Scotch; Place of birth of mother, Scot Scotch; Able to speakEnglish or language spoken, English; Trade or Profession, miner;Nature of business or industry, Coal Mine; Employer or Employee, W;Out of work on April 15, 1901, no; Number of months unemployed, 0; Canread, yes; Can write, yes; Home: owned or rented, this space has acheck mark. Note in the census, Jake was born in Germ Fr instead of Fr French what does this mean? Had Germany taken over that part ofFrance? Mother said that Grandpa Frantz hated the Germans. Also bothJake and Grandpa Frantz were naturalized- search those records.Certificate of Death, File No. ? 1. Place of Death, County ofIndiana, Township of Canoe, City of Rossiter 2. Full Name, HenryFrantz 3. sex, male 4. Color, white 5. Single, married, widowed,divorced- married 6. Date of birth, December 19, 1845 7. Age, 73years, 9 months, 9 days 8. Occupation, Night Watchman 9. Birthplace,Alces Loraine 10. Name of father, Jacob Frantz 11. Birthplace offather, Alces Loraine 12. Maiden name of mother, Catharine Bun 13.Birthplace of mother, Alces Loraine 14. The above is true to the bestof my knowledge, informant, Henry ? Frantz Jr., Rossiter, Pa. 15.Date, Sept. 12, 1919, J.W. Smith, Registrar 16. Date of Death,September 9, 1919 17. I hereby certify that I attended the deceasedfrom Sept. 7, 1919 to Sept. 9, 1919 and that I last saw him alive onSept. 9, 1919 and that death occurred on the date stated above at 7p.m. The cause of death was as follows: Chronic Interstitial Nephritisand Myocarditis. Signed J.F. Stouffer M.D., Sept. ?, 1919, Rossiter,Pa. 18. Length of residence: blank 19. Place of burial, UnionCemetery, Date of Burial, September 12, 1919 20. Undertaker, Chas. B.Robinson, Punxsutawney. According to Vivian Doney Reid, both Henry andCaroline Frantz lived with them in the Boarding House. Viv said thatGrandpa Frantz had some animals ( a cow and some chickens) but he wasnot a farmer. Before they moved to the Boarding House, Caroline Frantzused to sell milk. Viv remembers people coming to their house withtheir containers to buy milk. She thinks that maybe in France Henrymight have been a miner. In Rossiter at some point he was a nightwatchman. Both the Frantzs and the Doneys spoke German. But they werevery different. The Doneys were Pennsylvania Dutch and their Germanhad a very sing song quality. Viv could understand German because itwas always spoken in her home. The 1910 Census above shows a boarderin the Frantz household, Tommy Robertson. When the Doney's bought theBoarding House and the Frantzs moved there with them, so did Tommy.Viv remembers that he used to pay her a nickel to sing 'Its a Long Wayto Tipperary ' to him. According to Vivian Doney Reid her GrandfatherFrantz was a great guy who made all the holidays fun. On Easter heused to take them into the barn where the Easter bunny had constructedlittle nests containing treats and eggs. He usually spied the EasterBunny hopping away and as the children looked they could see him too.On Christmas Eve Vivian and her family went to church but the Frantzsstayed at home. After church, when the children came home, theChristmas tree was decorated and Santa had come. After the presentswere opened 'Santa' in the person of Uncle Jake Frantz usually stoppedby for a visit. Vivian remembers being scared of Santa. | Frantz, Henry (I1873)
342 | Campbell-Plumly Funeral Home handled arrangements. Obit says that he had 11 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. | Clegg, Grover Stephen (I5045)
343 | Can't make out last digit in birthdate. Looks like '0', but it isplaced between and 1853 and 1857 birth in a list that is otherwise inchronological order. | Denbow, Hariet (I1163)
344 | Cancer Center,,Texas,USA | Denbow, Hazel Irene (I1176)
345 | Card in the possession of Gretchen Valentine in loving remembrance ofLawrence Lorenzen, Died September 3, 1905, Age 50 years. According toa newspaper article titled, Hard Work Responsible for a Young Mindand Body, Ninety Year Old Resident Declares, about Catherine Kruse'Tena' Lorenzen, her husband, Lawrence, was a fisherman and later asaloon keeper in Port Clinton. Deed: Port Clinton Cemetery, Clerk ofthe Village of Port Clinton, Ohio to Lawrence Lorenzen, Lot No. 119,Sub-Div. C, for the sum of $21.00 Recorded April 21, 1903, on Page 141of the records of said Cemetery. Wm. Cleaver, Clerk Copy given to meby Kathryn Tadsen Sharp. According to the recollections of KathrynTadsen Sharp, Uncle Epke Lorenzen (1851-1936) and Aunt 'Rickey'Friederike (1862-1948) were related to the Krietzfelts-- they arementioned in the letter of Emma Matthiessen to Magnus Tadsen (seenotes for Magnus Tadsen). Aunt Rickey was also a witness on NickTadsen's Registration of Birth. I am still not sure of theserelationships. Ipke Lorenzen married Reika Selmer, Ottawa County,Ohio, 27 October 1881 (my notes). I ordered a death certificate forEpke Lorenzen. I think he may be Lawrence's brother. His deathcertificate states that he was born in Horsbull, Germany. It says hisfather's name was Fedder Johansen born in Germany and the maiden nameof his mother was Eoegel Johansen, born in Germany. How can this be ifhis last name was Lorenzen? The informant was Mrs. Andrew Lausten(Freida), Epke's daughter. The death certificate of Lawrence's mother,Engel Christina Lorenzen states that her parents' name was Johansen.This must be further investigated. According to Kathryn Tadsen Sharp,Grandpa Lorenzen was said to have been a 'sharp dresser'. He alwayswore a starched shirt and had his initials monogrammed on the cuff. Heowned the Lorenzen Saloon on Second Street in downtown Port Clintonand his family lived above the saloon. It is said that he alwayswanted to get a piano, but Tena, his wife, always squelched the ideasaying if there was ever a fire they would never get it out becausethey lived on the second floor. According to Kathryn Tadesen Sharp,Grandpa Lorenzen always let people 'run up a tab' in his saloon.Grandma always said that if everyone who owed him money had paid him,they would be rich. According to Kathryn Tadsen Sharp there was afamily story about Grandpa Lorenzen being gored to death by a bull.She thinks maybe this could have been Grandpa Lorenzen's father, butshe doesn't know. Marriage Date from microfiche at Fort Wayne,Indiana. Note time between marriage and birth of first child. Nodeath certificate for Lawrence is recorded in Ottawa County, Ohio.Perhaps he died in another county. Notes of Gretchen Rader Valentinedated 3/14/95 state that Geshe Katrina Kruse married John LawrenceLorensen on Feb. 17, 188?. Should I look for Lorenz under the nameJohn? Is that why I can't find his death certificate? Her notesfurther state that he died September 3, 1905 age 49 years. MarriageRecord from St. John's Lutheran Church, Port Clinton, Ohio. Received7 April 1995. Marriage date , 17 February 1881; Groom, LorenzLorensen; Bride, Catharine Kruse. Record from St. John's LutheranChurch, Port Clinton, Ohio. Received 7 April 1995. Death & Funeral,1905. 3 September, 7:00 p.m.; 5 September, 2:00 p.m. Lorenz Lorenzen,born 6 August 1856 at Horsbul Schleswig, baptized and confirmed. Cameto America in 1873. Married to K. Kruse 17 Feb 1881. 4 children wereborn to them. Cause of death: rheumatism. Age: 49y 28d. Survivors:wife, 3 daughters, mother, 5 sisters and bro. Note: Death date ontombstone is 1854. Note: Letter to me from Natalie Bredbeck dated 5April 1995 suggests that I write to the Lutheran Church in Horsbull,Schleswig-Holstein Germany ( a town on the Germany Denmark border).The zip code is 25924. BOOK: ?SEVERAL VOLUMES PASSENGER LISTS GERMANSTO AMERICA INDEXED BY NAME AND YEAR - Page 122 Ship Holsatia, FromHamburg and Havre to New York, arrived 9 April 1873. Lorensen, Lorenz,17, male, laborer, Germany, Code shows province and village unknown.Other Lorensens on the same ship: Lorensen, Friedrike, 24, female,SGL, Germany; Lorensen, Lorenz, 15, male, laborer, Germany; Lorensen,Peter, 23, farmer, Germany, and under his name Ludwig (no last name -as if they were together) 23, male, farmer, Germany (twins?);Lorensen, Anna C., 20, female, SNG, Germany; Lorentsen (sic), Heinr.,18, male, farmer, Germany. Where was the rest of his family? Did theycome later? All the Lorenzen kids on the 1880 census were born inSchleswig. Did Johann Kruse die before Anna came here? Look further inpassenger records from Germany. Horsbull is on the Germany/DenmarkBorder in Schleswig Holstein. The zip code for Horsbuull is 25924.PHON: CONT cemetery. The man there said they had no information. Ialso PHON: CONT called The Gerner & Wolf Funeral Home and they saidthey have PHON: CONT no records before 1926. | Lorenzen, Lorenz J. (I2895)
346 | Card in the possession of Gretchen Valentine in memory of Mrs. AnnaKruse, Died December 28, 1890, Age 72 years. Certified Copy of DeathCertificate. The State of Ohio, Ottawa County. Date of Record July22, 1891. No. 132. Name in Full, Anna Kruse; Date of Death: Year 1890,Month, December, Day, 28; Condition: Married, Widowed, Single,widowed; Age: Years, 72, Months, 4, Days, 24; Place of Death, Blank;Place of Birth, Europe; Occupation, Housewife; Name of Parents, blank;Color, white; Cause of Death, Old age; Last place of Residence: PortClinton, Ottawa County, Ohio. Record of Deaths, Vol. 1869-1893, Page92, Court of Common Pleas, Probate Division, Port Clinton, OttawaCounty, Ohio. Record St. John's Lutheran Church, Port Clinton, Ohio.Received 7 April 1995. Death, blank; Burial, 30 December 1890; Name,Anna Kruse; Age, 72y 4m 22d. | Maria, Anna (I2989)
347 | Cariie had five sisters and two brothers. | Lytle, Carrie (I2929)
348 | Carl Denbow has marriage date to Sarah Kelly as 1882. | Billman, John Hamilton (I389)
349 | Carl, There is a Martha Denbow in the Summit Township, Monroe County, Ohio 1860 census, 10 years of age. She is in the Basil Denbow household, with wife Ruth. The 1870 census has Robert Scott age 22, Martha, age 19and a 9m old. There is a Martha Scott and Robert Scott in the Bracken Ridge Church Cemetery, Martha born June 30, 1850, died June 16, 1922. Robert, born 1844, died November 10, 1879. Birth year for Robert not same, but it does look like it is the same couple. Is the the Martha you are looking for?Martha Griffin Footnote: Short Footnote: Bibliography: Short Title: denbow-l post Author: Martha GRIFFIN Recipient: Carl J. DENBOW Date: 29 FEB 2012 Author E Mail: magriffin02@msn.com | Source (S93)
350 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I2037)