
Hillbillies & Vikings
This site is focused broadly on all descendants of John Denboe, an indentured servant who came to the Crown Colony of Maryland in about the year 1664. Also, it maintains a special emphasis on the descendants of John Denbow (1797-1862) and his brother Bazeleel (1795-1857), early pioneers in the hills of Southeastern Ohio, as well as the descendants of Jón Jónsson (1841-1934) of Dalasýsla, Iceland, who was an Icelandic immigrant to Canada and now has progeny throughout North America.
Matches 351 to 400 of 6,302
# | Notes | Linked to |
351 | Caroline Hartzell was from Hawthorne, PA. when she married AaronHolben. | Hartzell, Caroline (I2195)
352 | Catharina Hauer, Frederick's wife, was his first cousin. DAR PatriotIndex, Frederick, b. 1747; d. 24 Jan 1815; m. Catherine Hauer, Pvt.in Pa. | Dunkelberger, Frederick (I1667)
353 | Cause of death cerebral hemorrhage | Clegg, Richard (I5039)
354 | Cause of death is listed as "bronchiagenic carcinoma of the lung." | Koetz, John Wesley (I2721)
355 | Cause of death listed on death certificate is: Ludwig's angina, secondary to myocarditis. | Taylor, Richard E. (I4277)
356 | cause of death was a head or neck injury | Barton, Thomas Sharp (I5220)
357 | cause of death was accidental drowning | Barton, Kenneth Olin (I5351)
358 | cause of death was chronic nephritis. | Gigax, Frederick Jr. (I1980)
359 | Cause of death was double pneumonia and other complications. Other sources say she died at Ohio State University Medical Center. | Denbow, Beth Ann (I1040)
360 | cause of death was lung cancer | Byrne, John Hill (I5791)
361 | cause of death: "sudden" mycardial infarction, caused by acute coronary occlusion | Neidemeyer, Agnes (I3286)
362 | Cause of death: coronary occlusion | Denbow, Carl Kendrick (I6388)
363 | Cause of death: intestinal cancer | Denbow, Alonzo (I1017)
364 | Cause of Death: Ruptured appendix | Reid, Agnes (I3474)
365 | Cause of death: stomach cancer | Wilson, Ida Matilda (I4588)
366 | Certificate of Death 1. Place of Death, County of Indiana, Townshipof Canoe 2. Full Name, Mrs. Caroline Frantz 3. Sex, female 4. Color,white 5. a. single, married widowed, divorced- widowed b. wife ofHenry Frantz 6. Date of Birth, Dec. 31, 1855 7. Age, 74 years, 5months, 15 days 8. Occupation, Housekeeper 9. Birthplace, France 10.Name of father, Harry Anthony 11. Birthplace of father, France 12.Maiden name of mother, Magdaline Hartman 13. Birthplace of mother,France 14. Informant, Henry Frantz, Clymer, Pa. 15. Filed May 18,1930, Mrs. Maud Moss, Registrar 16. Date of Death, May 15, 1930 17. Iherby certify that I attended the deceased from May 11, 1930 to May15, 1930, that I last saw her alive on May 15, 1930 and that deathoccurred on the date above at 11:00 p.m. The cause of death was asfollows: Cerebral Hemorrhage, duration unknown. 18. a. Did anoperation precede death?, no b. Was there an autopsy, No c. What testconfirmed diagnosis, Clinical and neurological Signed Ora Miller M.D.May 15. 1930, Rossiter, Pa. 19. Place of Burial, Union Cemetery, Dateof burial, May 18, 1930 20. Undertaker, H.I. Morrison, Punxsy, Pa.According to Vivian Doney Reid, Nick Anthony was a relative (acousin) of the Anthonys and lived in Connellsville. Pa. These Anthonyswere here before the Frantzs came to this country. The Frantzs mayhave stayed a while in Connellsville when they arrived in thiscountry. They may have lived in Adrian, PA. 'Uncle Harry Frantz' (hewas superintendent of the mines) had them come to Rossiter. It was anew town -the mine was just opening up. In 1901 J.C. and Carolinemoved to Rossiter (maybe with the Frantzs). They lived in a duplex-Grandma and Grandpa Frantz on one side and Caroline and J. C. on theother. Caroline Anthony was fat. She weighed about 200- 250 pounds.She always wore long (to the floor) gray or black dresses. She hadvery long hair. One time when Viv was at home alone with her, Viv wasin the bathtub getting ready to go somewhere. Grandma Frantz chose thewrong door in the dark and instead of going into the dining room shefell down the cellar steps. Viv heard a loud crack and then her GermanShepherd, King, started barking like crazy. When she went toinvestigate she found Grandma had fallen down the cellar steps and hadbroken her collar bone. She had also pulled a big hunk of hair out ofher head that had caught on something on the way down. Viv got her upand up the cellar steps and into bed. Then she went for the Doctor. Noone could believe she had gotten Grandma up the stairs by herselfbecause Grandma was so big. This incident occurred when Viv was about12 years old. Grandma Frantz said she was related to AlbertSchweitzer. Her cousin, Adam Schweitzer, went blind. He hadoperations in this country in Philadelphia and maybe someplace else,to try to correct the condition but they were unsuccessful. He and hisdaughter, Caroline Schweitzer, traveled to Paris to see if specialiststhere could help. The story goes that the Doctors in Paris told himthat there was nothing they could do because his eye muscles had beenstretched in the USA during the previous attempts to correct hisvision. After Adam died, Carolyn Schweitzer lived with CarolineAnthony Frantz. Caroline's aunt, Louise Fenstermaker, lived on PineStreet in Punxsy. Caroline married Fred Chambers, who had a hardwarestore in Punxsutawney. Who is Rose Barron? Vivian Doney Reid believedthat this was her great grandmother's name, not Magdaline Hartman. | Anthony, Caroline (I130)
367 | Certificate of Death: 1. Place of death, County Ottawa; RegistrationDistrict No. 981; File No. 35; Township, blank, Primary RegistrationDistrict No. 3039; Village, Port Clinton; How long in U.S., if offoreign birth?, 65 years 2. Full name, Epke Lorenzen, Residence No.214 W. 5th Street; Did deceased serve in the U.S. Navy or Army? No; 3.Sex, male 4. race, white; 5. Married 5a. wife, Frederiecke Selmer 6.Date of birth, March 7, 1851 7. Age: 85 years, 1 month, 4 days 8.Trade or profession, Foreman commercial fisheries 9. Industry orbusiness in which work was done, Great Lakes 10. Date deceased lastworked at this occupation, July 1930 11. Total time spent in thisoccupation, life 12. Birthplace, Horsbull, Germany 13. Father's fullname, Fedder Johansen 14. Birthplace, Germany 15. Mother's maidenname, Eoegel Johansen, 16. Birthplace, Germany 17. Informant, Mrs.Andrew Lausten, Port Clinton 18. Burial or Cremation or Removal place,Port Clinton, date 4-14-36 19. Funeral director, F.S. Neidecker, Lic.No. 1334 19a. Was body embalmed?, yes, Emblalmer's Lic. No. 4054 -A20. Filed 4-14-36, Harry R. Nissen, Registrar. Medical Certificate ofDeath 21. Date of Death, April 11, 1936. 22. I hereby certify that Iattended the deceased from 3-25-36 to 4-11-1936. I last saw him aliveon 4-11-36, death is said to have occurred on the date stated aboveat 9:30 p.m. The principal cause of death and related causes ofimportance in order of onset were as follows: arteriolsclerosis,coronary disease, cardiac insufficiency. Contributory causes ofimportance not related to principal cause, Hypertrophy of prospeto,semility, urenary obstruction. Name of operation, none. Was there anautopsy? blank. 23. If death was due to internal causes fill in theblanks, blank. 24. Was disease or injury in any way related to theoccupation of the deceased? No. Signed S.G. Marino M.D. date,4-13-1936. Address, Port Clinton. NOTE: I believe the name of Epke'sfather is John Lorenzen. The name Johansen was the maiden name ofEpke's mother. Records from St. John's Lutheran Church in PortClinton, Ohio. Received 7 April 1995. Marriage Date: 27 October 1881;Groom Ipke Lorensen; Bride Friedericka Selmer; Witnesses: A. Thomsen,Anna Bahnsen, R. Jecksen, Auguste Schabbo. | Lorenzen, Epke (I2890)
368 | Chanceford Co., York | Barton, Alice Ann Elizabeth (I5221)
369 | CHANCEFORD TOWNSHIP, YORK CO., PA. | Barton, Thomas Sharp (I5220)
370 | Chanceford Twp., York Co., PA, p. 223b | Elizabeth (I5772)
371 | Chanceford Twp., York Co., PA, p. 223b | Barton, Jarret (I5773)
372 | Chanceford Twp., York Co., PA, p. 223b | Barton, William J. (I5774)
373 | Chanceford Twp., York Co., PA, p. 223b | Barton, Jarret (I5776)
374 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I3167)
375 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I3181)
376 | Charles W. Heaton was a life long railroad man. bib: 'The Heaton Family in America', by Dean Heaton, Gateway Press; | Heaton, Charles W. (I5727)
377 | Chart prepared by W. E. Michel, 5133 Baum Blvd., Pittsburg, Pa. 15224, 682-3313. Footnote: Short Footnote: Bibliography: Short Title: Mollenauer Family Chart Author: W. E. MICHEL Date: 25 AUG 1963 Location: Pittsburgh,, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA | Source (S184)
378 | Check 1846 lawsuit in Athens County, Ohio - Garner vs. Joshua, Lucretia Bobo et al, 14 August 1846. U.S. Census 1850 Miami County,Ohio, Spring Creek Township, Village of Rossville, Household 3, McCraven, no wife, Lucius, Mariah, Garner, Olive, Henrietta, Malinda, Josephine, and John. M.C. Bean married Nancy Dixon 9 June 1851 Montgomery County, Ohio. | Bobo, Jemima (I547)
379 | Check for this marriage in Vinton County, Ohio, Marriages, Vol. 2,page ? | Roach, Peter H. (I3619)
380 | Christened Earl Carl Friedrich Buelmann, 6 Feb 1829, Worb Dorf,Bern,SZ Sgt, K Company, 78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry - from grave marker. | Billmann, Charles Frederick (I407)
381 | Chuck Bobo's draft "History of the Bobo Family," Revised June 1990, states that Susan died of 'rheumitism' in Athens County, Elk Township on September 12,1887, aged 75. However, Elk Township is in Vinton County, not Athens. | Bobo, Susan (I613)
382 | Circumstantial evidence seems to point to her death after childbirth. | Elliott, Martha (I6504)
383 | Civil War Service: Enlisted in the 78th Regiment Infantry atKittanning on August 14, 1861. He would die of disease at Camp AndyJohnson, Tennessee on March 21, 1862. I assume this boy was fromArmstrong County, Redbank Twp., but I am not sure. He may have beenfrom Branch County, Michigan, or maybe his parents lived there. | Holben, Solomon (I2394)
384 | Civil War Service: Joined the 78th Pennsylvania Regiment Infantry in the fall of 1862 at New Bethlehem, PA. Fought in the Battle of Resaca, Georgia. | Holben, Jacob (I2370)
385 | Civil War Veteran: Dec. 30, 1861-March 18, 1862; Discharged atPittsburg Landing, Tenn. (No reason given.) | Denbow, Martin (I1312)
386 | Civil War Veteran: Sept. 29, 1864-May 30, 1865. Fought in Battle of Bentonville, N.C. (Drafted) | Denbow, Levi (I1289)
387 | Co. D, 27th Ohio Volunteer Infantry; His regiment was in the last major battle of the Civil War at Bentonville, N.C.; Participated in the Grand Review in Washington, D.C. | Denbow, George Washington (I1154)
388 | Co. E, 84th Indiana Infantry | Drew, William Buck (I6481)
389 | Co. K, 78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry | Denbow, James (I1190)
390 | Co. K, 78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry | Denbow, James (I1190)
391 | Co. K, 78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry | Denbow, John Sr. (I1229)
392 | Co. K, 78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry | Denbow, Levi (I1289)
393 | Co. K, 78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry | Denbow, Martin (I1312)
394 | Co. K, 78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry | Denbow, Martin (I1312)
395 | Co. K, 78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry | Denbow, William (I1452)
396 | Co. K, 78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry; His pension record is a little unclear. He is listed as having become ill near Savanah, Georgia, on 20 Dec 1864. However, it's not clear if he was sent home at that time, or if he stayed with the regiment in a non-combat status until they reached Washington, D.C. | Denbow, Levi (I1289)
397 | Co. K, 78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry; military service ended when he died in an U.S. Army hospital. This hospital may have been located in St. John's Catholic Church. | Denbow, John Sr. (I1229)
398 | Co. K, 78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry; Uncle Billy, as he was called by family and friends, served virtually the whole length of the war and participated in the March to the Sea, the Carolinas campaign, and the Grand Review in Washington, D.C. | Denbow, William (I1452)
399 | Columbia, PA | Barton, James Harvey (I5223)
400 | Columbia, Pennsylvania | Barton, Rita Jane (I5792)