Hillbillies & Vikings

This site is focused broadly on all descendants of John Denboe, an indentured servant who came to the Crown Colony of Maryland in about the year 1664. Also, it maintains a special emphasis on the descendants of John Denbow (1797-1862) and his brother Bazeleel (1795-1857), early pioneers in the hills of Southeastern Ohio, as well as the descendants of Jón Jónsson (1841-1934) of Dalasýsla, Iceland, who was an Icelandic immigrant to Canada and now has progeny throughout North America.


Matches 401 to 450 of 6,302

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
401 Conestoga Memorial Park, Lancaster, PA Barton, Rita Jane (I5792)
402 Conestoga Memorial Park, Lancaster, PA Barton, Robert Burns (I5799)
403 Conestoga Memorial Park, Lancaster, PA Metzger, Elizabeth Emma (I5800)
404 Conestoga Memorial Park, Lancaster, PA Rittenhouse, Florence Mae (I5807)
405 Conestoga Memorial Park, Lancaster, PA Hill, Jan Sheri (I5825)
406 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I2951)
407 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I2971)
408 Copy of Marriage Record: Bobo & Black The State of Ohio, Athens Co. Ihereby certify that on the 22 day of March I joined together in theholy state of matrimony Mr. Joshua Bobo & Mis Polly Black of lawfulage. Given under my hand and seal this 3rd day of May 1832. Abram C.Martin, Justice of the Peace. Date of License 1832 March 20. Vol. 1/2,Page 89. US Census 1840, Athens County, Alexander Twp., Ohio, page348. Males (10-15) - 1; (20-30) - 1; (40-50) - 1; females (under 5) -1; (10-15) - 1; (15-20) - 1; (30-40) - 1. U.S. Census 1850 VintonCounty, Ohio, Township_______, Page 243. Listed are Joshua Bobo, 52,a farmer and his wife, Polly, 39. Both were born in Virginia. Alsolisted were six children. I have to repeat this Census. Notes ofRoberta McKenzie indicate that the children of Joshua Bobo and SallyReynolds listed are the possible issue. Bobo, Joshua C. (I557)
409 Cousin Irvin said that a 'Nathan Denbow' was only Denbow he ever knewof that got in serious trouble with the law. He was, according toIrvin, involved in some sort of bank robbery. Denbow, Nathan (I1342)
410 Crowder,,Missouri,USA
Witness Role: Bride: [I3634] Mary A. ROBINSON
Witness Role: Groom: [I1221] Jess DENBOW 
Family: Jess Denbow / Mary A. Robinson (F748)
411 Crowder,,Missouri,USA
Witness Role: Bride: [I4657] Kate WOODS
Witness Role: Groom: [I1456] William DENBOW 
Family: William Denbow / Kate Woods (F744)
412 Crowder,,Missouri,USA
Witness Role: Principal: [F744] ...of (parents not known)
Witness Role: Bride: [I4657] Kate WOODS
Witness Role: Groom: [I1456] William DENBOW 
Denbow, William (I1456)
413 Crowder,,Missouri,USA
Witness Role: Principal: [F744] ...of (parents not known)
Witness Role: Bride: [I4657] Kate WOODS
Witness Role: Groom: [I1456] William DENBOW 
Woods, Kate (I4657)
414 Crowder,,Missouri,USA
Witness Role: Principal: [F748] ...of (parents not known)
Witness Role: Bride: [I3634] Mary A. ROBINSON
Witness Role: Groom: [I1221] Jess DENBOW 
Denbow, Jess (I1221)
415 Crowder,,Missouri,USA
Witness Role: Principal: [F748] ...of (parents not known)
Witness Role: Bride: [I3634] Mary A. ROBINSON
Witness Role: Groom: [I1221] Jess DENBOW 
Robinson, Mary A. (I3634)
416 Crowder,,Missouri,USA Denbow, Charles E. (I1063)
417 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I3338)
418 DAR Patriot Index: John Dunkelberger; b. 28 September 1745; d. 27November 1818; M. Anna Maria Rentschler; m. Elizabeth Kobel Dornsife;1st Lt. in PA. Dunkelberger, Johannes Jacob 'John' (I1676)
419 Date and other details from translation of German-language newspaper obit and death certificate, which indicates that cause of death was "peritonitis following infection of gall bladder during passage of calculus." Blum, Mathias (I478)
420 Date confirmed in translation of obit from Germany-language newspaper from Columbus, Ohio. In Mathias Blum file. Blum, Mathias (I478)
421 Date given Susan Sharp via a relative, doesn't seem to jib with the tombstone reading. Sharp, Elizabeth (I3823)
422 Date of birth and name of child given to Susan Sharp by Sherry Hunter Strickland from family records of her Uncle Bill in a letter dated 21 March 1995. This child appears in the US Census for 1850. Sharp, Martha (I3859)
423 Date of Death: 21 Apr 1950; Cause: Acute Myocarditis & Senile Changes
Short Footnote:
Short Title: Lida Kolp DC
Record Type: Certificate of Death
Name Of Person: Lida B. Devor Kolp
File Date: 24 APR 1950
Number: 22661 
Source (S147)
424 Dave says they were married by a Justice of the Peace. He hasphotocopy of marriage certificate.
Witness Role: Bride: [I731] Francis BURCH
Witness Role: Groom: [I1069] Clarence Herbert DENBOW 
Family: Clarence Herbert Denbow / Francis Burch (F696)
425 Dave says they were married by a Justice of the Peace. He hasphotocopy of marriage certificate.
Witness Role: Principal: [F696] ...of (parents not known)
Witness Role: Bride: [I731] Francis BURCH
Witness Role: Groom: [I1069] Clarence Herbert DENBOW 
Burch, Francis (I731)
426 Dave says they were married by a Justice of the Peace. He hasphotocopy of marriage certificate.
Witness Role: Principal: [F696] ...of (parents not known)
Witness Role: Bride: [I731] Francis BURCH
Witness Role: Groom: [I1069] Clarence Herbert DENBOW 
Denbow, Clarence Herbert (I1069)
427 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I2502)
428 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I3077)
429 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I3815)
430 DC says he's lived in Barnesville for 41 years prior to his death Clegg, Richard (I5039)
431 DEAT: SOUR @C295@ Denbow, Gabriel (I1149)
432 Death Certificate says he died of prostatic cancer; however, my personal memory is that he had been climbing an oil derrick at age 80 and slipped and broke his back. I personally saw him on his death bed, laying on a couch, with his back supposedly broken. I was told that he contracted pneumonia and died from pneumonia about a week or so after I last saw him. His sister Cora was taking care of him. I have no way to reconcile this contradictory information. Denbow, James Ira (I1201)
433 Death Certificate: 1. Place of Death (a) County, Allegheny (b)Borough, Edgewood (c) Name of Hospital or Insititution: 156 WestHutchinson Avenue (d) Length of stay: In hospital or institution,blank, In this community, 4 years 2. Usual Redsidence of Deceased: (a)State, Pennsylvania (b) County, Allegheny (c) City or town, Edgewood(d) Street No. 156 West Hutchinson Avenue (e) If foreign born, howlong in USA, blank 3. (a) Full Name, Rosanna Hunter (b) If US veteran,complete reverse side of certificate, blank (c) Social Security No.,blank 4. Sex, female 5. Race, white 6. (a) Single,married, widowed,divorced; widowed (b) Name of husband or wife, Samuel Hunter (c) ageof husband or wife if alive, blank 7. Birthdate of deceased, September5, 1860 8. Age, 80 years, 7 months, 11 days 9. Birthplace, Pottsville,Pennsylvania 10. Usual Occupation, Housewife11. Industry or business,blank 12. Name of father, William Robertson 13. Birthplace of father,Nova Scotia 14. Maiden name of mother, (Unknown) Huey 15. Birthplaceof mother, Scotland 16. (a) Informants own signature, Mrs. G. F. Long(b) Address, 156 Hutchinson Ave. , Edgewood 17. (a) Burial,cremation,or removal; burial (b) Date thereof, April 1841 (c) Place:Burial or Cremation, Punxsutawney, Pa. 18. (a) Signature of funeraldirector, Joseph N. Hein? (b) Address 7441 Washington St., Swissvale19. (a) Date received local registrar, April 17, 1941 (b) Registrar'ssignature, Ethel L. Deal 20. Date of Death: April 16, 1941, 2:25 a.m.21. I hereby certify that I attended the deceased from September 1,1940 to April 16, 1941, that I last saw her alive on April 16, 1941andthat her death occurred on the date and hour stated above. Immediatecause of death, Myocarditis, Valvular heart disease , hypertension,Due to , age 81-T, Duration, 93 days, Other conditions, no, Majorfindings of operations, no, Of autopsy, no 22. If death was due toexternal causes fill in the following, blank 23. Signature G. F. LongM.D., Address, Swissvale, Pa. Date signed April 16, 1941. Theatttending physician, G. F. Long, was Rosanna's son-in-law. Accordingto Vivian Doney Reid, Roseanne and her husband lived in Rossiter, Pa.Vivian remembers that Roseanne went to the movies every night of herlife. According to Jean Saunders Davis, Roseann's father and mothermoved to Illinois when Roseann was three years old. Her father,William Robertson, a fiddler, was killed by a train in Morris, GrundyCounty, Illinois. When Roseann was eight or nine years old, her motherremarried a William Murdock. According to Jean Saunders Davis,Roseanna had a brother, Willie, who was 4 years younger than she.This child was born in Morris, Grundy County, Illinois. Willie marrieda woman named Ellen. Roseanna had an older brother, Joseph, and anolder sister, Agnes. Both of these children were said to have burnedto death. According to Jean Saunders Davis, Roseanna married inBraidwood, Illinois on August 25. She was just 16 years old. Herhusband, Sam Hunter, was two years older. Jean Saunders Davis saidthat the family story was that Roseanna Robertson was in the FordTheater the night Lincoln was killed. How can this be true? Obituary:Punxsutawney Spirit, Punxsutawney, Pa., April 1941. FORMER ROSSITERWOMAN DIED IN EDGEWOOD TODAY. Mrs. Samuel Hunter, a former resident ofRossiter, died this morning in the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. F.Long, of Edgewood, where she had made her home for the past fiveyears. She was born in Pottsville in 1858. Her husband precededher in death 12 years ago. She is survived by the following sonsand daughters: Mrs. William Cryer of Juniata; Mrs. G. F. Long ofEdgewood; Mrs. H. E. Sander of Swissvale; Mrs. Louis Bair ofWillkinsburg; Mrs. S. M. Hanley of Swissvale; Samuel Hunter of Dunlow;Gordon Hunter of Indiana; James Hunter of Sacramento, Cal. and WilliamHunter of Rossiter. The body will be brought to the Morrison FuneralHome Friday morning and services will be held Friday afternoon withinterment in Circle Hill Cemetery. Robertson, Roseanna (I3624)
434 Death date provided by Ken's brother, Sam Hunter during a telephonecoversation with Susie Sharp in 1994. Ken Hunter has two sons and adaughter. One son lives in Birmingham, Alabama; the other in PeachTree City, Georgia; and the daughter lives in Virginia Beach, Va.According to Ken Hunter, the large family picture of the Hunters wastaken around 1925. Hunter, Ken (I2473)
435 Death occurred either August or September 9, 1969. Send for deathcertificate to confirm. Places of Residence: Barclay, Harmony,Punsutawney (Bell Twp.), Pa. Newspaper clipping in the possession ofJean Reid Edwards. The name and date of the paper are cut off.RETIRED RR ENGINEER OBSERVES 93RD BIRTHDAY. A man who for 38 yearsmanned the throttles of the giant steel and steam behemoths ondistrict railroads, took 'a turn' on a diesel locomotive hereyesterday- at the age of 93! Robert Reed, of Greenwood Avenue,Punxsutawney, was given the opportunity to operate a modern dieselengine as part of a 'birthday present' from friends on the B & ORailroad. The retired engineer celebrated his 93rd birthday lastTuesday with a family gathering. Mr. Reid retired October 31,1941 and has been steadily drawing pension checks since that time. Heis believed to be the oldest living former railroad engineer of thedistrict. A native of Barclay, Bradford County, where he was bornAugust 15, 1874, he was the son of David and Ruth Simpson Reid and asa young man worked in the coal mines. He got his first railroadjob in 1903 with the former Rural Valley Railroad, a division of theold Buffalo, Rochester, and Pittsburgh system. He transferred to the BR & P in 1911 and worked for that system until it was taken over bythe Baltimore & Ohio in 1931. He worked another 10 years for the B & Obefore retirement. Practically all of his 38 years were spent behindthe throttle as an engineer. And driving a diesel for the first timethis week was no problem, his friends tell us. Mr. Reid wasmarried in 1898 to Burt Penman, daughter of John and Margaret Penman,of nearby Harmony (Punxsutawney R. D. 5). She died in 1943, two yearsafter her husband retired. Mr. Reid has since made his home with adaughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James McGonagle. of GreenwoodAvenue. Mr. Reid is exceptionally active for his age, is an avidbaseball fan, and spends much time keeping up with events ontelevision. He has five daughters and a son, eight grandchildren andseven great-grandchildren. The children are: Mrs. Frank (Berdella)Kreagloh, of Collingswood, New Jersey; Mrs. Samuel (Margaret) Reid, ofDuBois; Mrs. Vay (Ruth) Neal of South Main St., Punxsutawney; Mrs.James (Dorothy) Mc Gonagle of Greenwood Avenue; Robert, Jr., of Fargo,North Dakota; and Mrs. John (Florence) Ashenfelter, of Clark Terrace,Punxsy. Caption under picture: OLD TIME STEAM ENGINEER ON DIESELRobert Reid, of Punxsutawney, a retired former steam locomotiveengineer, is shown as he listened to the station master giving ordersover the phone in a modern diesel locomotive here. Mr. Reid waspermitted to operate the diesel in the local Riker yards incelebration of his 93rd birthday which occurred Tuesday of this week.See Story below. (Spirit photo) OBITUARY: ROBERT REID Robert Reid, 94,a longtime resident of Punxsutawney and retired B & O Railroadengineer, died this morning in the Adrian hospital. He was bornAugust 15, 1874 in Barclay, Bradford County, the son of David and RuthSimpson Reid and in 1898 was married to Burt Penman. He was a memberof the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. Surviving are fivedaughters and a son, Mrs. Frank Kreagloh, of Collingswood, N. J.; Mrs.Samuel Reid of DuBois; Mrs. Vay Neal; Mrs. James McGonagle and Mrs.John Ashenfelter, of Punxsutawney, and Robert Reid, Jr., of Fargo, N.D. He leaves also seven grandchildren and 10 great- grandchildren.Friends will be received Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m and Mondayfrom 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral arrangements are in the charge ofthe Pifer Funeral Home in Punx'y. The Punxsutawney Spirit. Reid, Robert (I3536)
436 Death Witness: [I1] Carl Jón DENBOW
Death Witness: [I1050] Carl William DENBOW
Death. Witness: [I432] Stefania Aðalbjörg BJÖRNSON 
Denbow, Carl Herbert (I1049)
437 Debbe has a PhD. She initiated and publishes The National NannyNewsletter and is active in the International Nanny Association. Sheand her husband, Tom, have adopted two boys, ages 7 & 10. (April1992) Davis, Debbe (I977)
438 Deceased at six months old. Björnson, Halldóra Ingibjörg (I420)
439 Deed, Harrison County, Ohio, 1828, Benjamin Sharp & Others to James Sharp, Index Book 1 (1812-1870), Deed Book D, Page 372 Sharp, Martha A. (I3860)
440 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I2904)
441 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I3134)
442 DeVOR, M.J. Mrs. age about 45yrs. died 22nd of August , in Greenville, Ohio
Footnote: Maggie Devor Dies, The Greenville Democrat, Greenville, Ohio, 28 August 1889, 1889, Vol. VIII *8 (VIII~37). Hereinafter cited as The Greenville Democrat.
Short Footnote: The Greenville Democrat, 28 August 1889, 1889, Vol. VIII *8 (VIII~37).
Bibliography: The Greenville Democrat, Greenville, Ohio, 28 August 1889.
Newspaper Title: The Greenville Democrat
Short Newspaper Title: The Greenville Democrat
Article Title: Maggie Devor Dies
Author: staff AUTHORED
Date: 28 AUG 1889
Location: Greenville, Ohio
Page: 1889, Vol. VIII *8 (VIII~37) 
Source (S61)
443 Dewey Maine and Virginia had one adopted son whose first name beginswith the letter 'J'. I have no further information. Helen Sharp Morrisprovided this information. Sharp, Dewey Maine (I3817)
444 Diane Finley says he died iin Amherst in Lorain County, Ohio, not Avon Lake in the same county. She also says that he was born in the Steele District in Wood County, WV., and not in Parkersburg. Further research needed on both of these points. Clegg, Grover Stephen (I5045)
445 Died after falling from a truck driven by her son, Joseph Sterling Bobo. Scruggs, Julia Ann 'Dolly' (I3773)
446 Died age 73 years. Warden, David S. (I4445)
447 Died age 79 years. Hammond, Caroline S. (I2145)
448 died age 80 years. Hammond, Agnes (I2144)
449 Died at age 24. Lovegrove, Charles W. (I2898)
450 Died at age 76 years. Somerville, Hiram E. (I4089)

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