
Hillbillies & Vikings
This site is focused broadly on all descendants of John Denboe, an indentured servant who came to the Crown Colony of Maryland in about the year 1664. Also, it maintains a special emphasis on the descendants of John Denbow (1797-1862) and his brother Bazeleel (1795-1857), early pioneers in the hills of Southeastern Ohio, as well as the descendants of Jón Jónsson (1841-1934) of Dalasýsla, Iceland, who was an Icelandic immigrant to Canada and now has progeny throughout North America.
Matches 351 to 400 of 453
# | ID | Source |
351 | S314 | Medical Chronicles of Muskingum County Ohio (1800-2000). |
352 | S336 | Michelle Spence Rose Spence and Related Families Research. |
353 | S184 | Mollenauer Family Chart. |
354 | S125 | Monroe County, Ohio, Newspaper Abstracts, Vol. 4. |
355 | S359 | Monroe County, Ohio, Reconstructed Records 1815-1867. |
356 | S394 | MR: Jesse Denbow and Mary Vandergraft (1831). |
357 | S54 | Muskingum County Footprints. |
358 | S57 | Muskingum County Footprints. |
359 | S368 | My Family History: genealogy of k.a.k.petersen. |
360 | S116 | My Parents: Valdimar Björnsson. |
361 | S323 | Nellie May Gigax (Mrs. Wietzel) Family Tree as submitted for her successful application to the Daughters of the American Revolution. |
362 | S82 | New York State, Department of Health, Certificate of Death. |
363 | S308 | New York Times. |
364 | S307 | Newman Descendancy, on Ancestry.com, by Frances Barner. |
365 | S261 | Obituary of Bruce Theodore Bohachek, Columbus Dispatch. |
366 | S334 | Obituary of Robert S. Denbow, Zanesville Times-Recorder. |
367 | S110 | Obituary Section of The McPherson Sentinel. |
368 | S53 | Official Records of Greenville Cemetery. |
369 | S344 | Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866. |
370 | S149 | Ohio Births and Christenings (1821-1962). |
371 | S148 | Ohio Births and Christenings (1821-1962): William T. Kolp. |
372 | S79 | Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002. |
373 | S293 | Ohio Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Certificate of Death. |
374 | S294 | Ohio Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Certificate of Death. |
375 | S128 | Ohio, Births and Christenings, 1821-1962 (Mary Denbow). |
376 | S127 | Ohio, Births and Christenings, 1821-1962 (Rena May Denbow). |
377 | S33 | Old Gigax 'Maternal Family Tree' from unknown source that shows the line from Fred & Anna (3 generations). |
378 | S239 | Part 2 ot Diary of Aaron Loder Mastin, hospital steward, St. John's Hospital, Paducah, Ky. |
379 | S482 | Pennsylvania-German Society Birth & Baptism Records. |
380 | S1 | Personal knowledge of Carl J. Denbow. |
381 | S244 | Personal knowledge of Hannah Jane Denbow. |
382 | S93 | Post to denbow-l frrom Martha Griffin on 29 Feb 2012. |
383 | S471 | Print Editions: Dayton Daily News - "An Oakwood doctor and wife found dead in their house". |
384 | S14 | Printouts given to Jenny when she was in the Snorri Program. |
385 | S126 | Readings of Tombstones in Buchanan Cemetery, Wayne Township, Monroe County, Ohio. |
386 | S55 | Records from the City of Bleienbach, Switzerland. |
387 | S217 | Reinhold.FTW. |
388 | S291 | Research by Bruce Halley on his Halley line. |
389 | S189 | Research by Gilda Haddox on her Denbow side. |
390 | S194 | Research by Kristinn Jónsson on his family and ancestors. |
391 | S86 | Research by Susan Sharp on her husband's Sharp line.. |
392 | S243 | Research by Teresa Herrmann on ancestery.com. |
393 | S9 | Research conducted by Russel Arndts on the Gigax Family. GIGAX.GED imported on 2006/09/07 at 20:41:10. |
394 | S223 | Research of Henry S. Dillon. |
395 | S272 | Research published by C.M. Monaghan. |
396 | S2 | Robert BARTON Research in Sharp and Related Families. |
397 | S15 | ROBERT CLYDE BARTON DESCENDANTS.GED and imported on2006/06/20 at 23:32:48. |
398 | S62 | Robert E. Denbow's information on his immediate family. |
399 | S365 | Roger Churm WikiTree -- Denbow-84. |
400 | S363 | Roger Churm WikiTree -- Denbow-85. |
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