
Hillbillies & Vikings
This site is focused broadly on all descendants of John Denboe, an indentured servant who came to the Crown Colony of Maryland in about the year 1664. Also, it maintains a special emphasis on the descendants of John Denbow (1797-1862) and his brother Bazeleel (1795-1857), early pioneers in the hills of Southeastern Ohio, as well as the descendants of Jón Jónsson (1841-1934) of Dalasýsla, Iceland, who was an Icelandic immigrant to Canada and now has progeny throughout North America.
Matches 1 to 50 of 453
# | ID | Source |
1 | S118 | . |
2 | S147 | . |
3 | S259 | "Massachusetts Town Records, ca. 1638-1961," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FH7Y-5WL : 17 October 2017), Samuel Williams and Trypheney Lyman, 04 Jan 1773; citing Warwick, Franklin, Massachusetts, United States, Town clerks and local churches.. |
4 | S203 | 1800 US Census (From Rob Barton). |
5 | S282 | 1820 U.S. Census, Stock Township, Harrison County (Tanner & Tipton). |
6 | S370 | 1830 U.S. Census Rumely Twp., Harrison County, Ohio. |
7 | S98 | 1830 U.S. Federal Census (Alberta Holland; head of household Robert Vanmeter). |
8 | S50 | 1840 United States Federal Census (Benjamin Toland Family). |
9 | S209 | 1840 US Census. |
10 | S212 | 1840 US Census, Delaware Co., Ohio. |
11 | S137 | 1850 Census Knox, Twp 13N 1E Illinois (Soloman Denbow). |
12 | S164 | 1850 Census, Perry Township, Monroe County (Vincent Denbow family). |
13 | S143 | 1850 U.S. Census Indiana (Anthony Crisp). |
14 | S396 | U.S. Census Bureau. 1850 U.S. Census Madison, Missouri (Jesse & Polly Denbow Family). U.S. Government. |
15 | S422 | U.S. Census Bureau. 1850 U.S. Census, Raritan Twp., New Jersey (Cornelius & Elizabeth Vorhis Family). U.S. Government. |
16 | S166 | 1850 U.S. Federal Census of Center Twp, Monroe County, Ohio (Bazzel and Ruth Denbow Family). |
17 | S38 | 1850 U.S. Federal Census of Monroe County, Ohio (John and Martha Denbow Family). |
18 | S275 | 1850 U.S. Federal Census of Roanoke County, Virginia (Nathaniel Gilbert family). |
19 | S313 | 1850 U.S. Federal Census of Wayne Twp., Butler County, Ohio (John and Abigail). |
20 | S51 | 1850 United States Federal Census for Jacob Gygax family. |
21 | S215 | 1850 US Census (From Rob Barton). |
22 | S151 | 1860 U.S. Census Vinton County Ohio (Masters). |
23 | S162 | 1860 U.S. Census, Darke County, Ohio. (John Devor). |
24 | S165 | 1860 U.S. Federal Census (Bazzel Denbow & a little bit of John Jr. at bottom of page. |
25 | S67 | 1860 United States Federal Census (Jacob Gygax). |
26 | S78 | 1860 United States Federal Census Year. |
27 | S290 | 1860 United States Federal Census Year. |
28 | S401 | U.S. Census Bureau. 1870 U.S. Census (Family of Samuel & Mary Paith). U.S. Government. |
29 | S124 | 1870 U.S. Census , Vinton County, Ohio, Madison Township, Page 129. |
30 | S339 | 1870 U.S. Census Monroe County (Summit Twp. Stafford). |
31 | S192 | 1870 U.S. Census Noble County Ohio (Scott). |
32 | S150 | 1870 U.S. Census Vinton County Ohio (Masters). |
33 | S415 | 1870 U.S. Census, Burrow of Frenchtown, Hunterdon County, NJ (Maggie Rittenhouse family). |
34 | S163 | 1870 U.S. Census, Darke County (John Devore). |
35 | S405 | 1870 U.S. Census, Miltonsburg, Malaga Twp., Monroe County (John & Mary Gramlich). |
36 | S402 | 1870 U.S. Census, Monroe County, Summit Twp., Stafford PO (Amanuel & Sarah Paith). |
37 | S435 | 1870 U.S. Census, Union City, Randolph County, Indiana (John & Esther Reeves). |
38 | S428 | 1870 U.S. Census, Ward Twp., Randloph County, Indiana (Rebecca & William Drew). |
39 | S391 | 1870 U.S. Census, Wayne Twp., Monroe County (Sarah Paith-John Denbow Family). |
40 | S69 | 1870 United States Federal Census. |
41 | S74 | 1870 United States Federal Census (Clay Township, Knox County, Ohio). |
42 | S417 | 1879 Ohio Adjutant General Annual Report. |
43 | S108 | 1880 Federal Census Kansas, Census Type: Federal, Place: Empire, Ellsworth, Kansas. |
44 | S262 | 1880 U.S. Census (Greenville, Darke, Ohio). |
45 | S144 | 1880 U.S. Census (Monroe County, Summit Twp., Page 4-5, Sup. Dist. 7, Enum Dist. 132). |
46 | S322 | 1880 U.S. Census Indiana (John DeFrieze). |
47 | S158 | 1880 U.S. Census, Monroe Co., Center Township (James T. Denbow Family). |
48 | S113 | 1880 U.S. Census, Monroe County, Ohio, Census Type: U.S. Census, Population Schedule, Place: Centre Township, Monroe County, Ohio. |
49 | S413 | 1880 U.S. Census, Newark, NJ (Lizzie & Anthony Reeves). |
50 | S404 | 1880 U.S. Census, Noble County (Joseph & Hannah Paith). |
Citation Master v15.0.0.10 for TNG