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- Vivian graduated from Indiana State Teacher's College, now IndianaState University, located in Indiana, Pa. She lived in John SuttonHall, Room 416 N. The dorm faced the main campus. The N denoted annex.As you face the front of the Building, 416 N was to the far fight. Herfirst roomate was Famie Finn, who later married Ken Yost. Her secondroomate was Ann Rodkey, who married Lee Confer. We visited John SuttonHall in 1989. It is still a beautiful building with a lovelyauditorium and ballroom. Room 416 is now used as an office. WhenVivian went to College, she asked as she got out of the car whatshould I major in? Her Mother said Music- and that is what she did.She was an elementary music teacher, a gym teacher and a high schoolEnglish teacher. Vivian remembers that her family subscribed to theNew Yorker Magazine, a Philadelphia newspaper-The North American(once had a picture of Santa Claus in it that Viv cut out), TheSaturday Evening Post, The Ladies' Home Journal and McCall's(had paperdolls in them sometimes). On Christmas Eve Viv went with her motherand father and brothers to church. When they came home the tree wasall decorated with real candles and their presents were underneath it.Santa came while they were in church. (Grandma and Grandpa Frantz hadto decorate in a hurry.) Viv had both Diptheria and Scarlet Fever. Shewas quarrantined for both while they lived in the boarding house. Hermother was quarrantined with her. She would take care of Viv all dayand do the work in the boarding house at night. No one else got it.When Viv had Diptheria at Christmas she remembers they carried herdownstairs to see her presents. She said she got everything that year(Did they think she was going to die?). She got a doll dresser with anoval mirror, (she thinks Grandpa Frantz gave it to her), a child'sdesk with pigeonholes and a slant top closure, a little cedar chestand a doll. On Christmas Eve Uncle Jake came dressed as Santa Clausand they were all scared of him. He usually arrived after they hadopened their presents. Viv's nickname was 'Toots'.