Hillbillies & Vikings

This site is focused broadly on all descendants of John Denboe, an indentured servant who came to the Crown Colony of Maryland in about the year 1664. Also, it maintains a special emphasis on the descendants of John Denbow (1797-1862) and his brother Bazeleel (1795-1857), early pioneers in the hills of Southeastern Ohio, as well as the descendants of Jón Jónsson (1841-1934) of Dalasýsla, Iceland, who was an Icelandic immigrant to Canada and now has progeny throughout North America.

Henry Frantz

Henry Frantz

Male 1845 - 1919  (73 years)

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  • Name Henry Frantz 
    Birth 19 Dec 1845 
    • ,,,Alsace Lorraine
    Gender Male 
    Marriage Groom 1876 
    • Witness Role: Principal: [F269] ...of (parents not known)
      Witness Role: Bride: [I130] Caroline ANTHONY
      Witness Role: Groom: [I1873] Henry FRANTZ
    • Came to USA from France in 1888. One family story was that Henry wasan aid to Napoleon III in the Franco Prussian War. He was in thecavalry. He came to this country because he did not want his sons tofight for Germany. He hated Germans and always sang the Marsiellessp?. He was very patriotic about France. US Census 1910, Pennsylvania,Indiana County, Canoe Twp., Rossiter, Date of Enumeration, 7 May,Roll 1350, Vol. 124, ED 0063 Household No. 0283. Name, Frantz, HenrySr.; Relation, head; Sex, male; Color, white; Age at last birthday,64; Marital Status, married; Number of years of present marriage, 34;Place of birth, Fr French; Place of birth of father, Fr. French; Placeof birth of mother, Fr French, Year of Emmigration to United States,1888; Whether alien or naturalized, Na; Able to speak English orlanguage spoken, Eng; Trade or profession, none; Can read, yes; Canwrite, yes; Home: owned or rented, rented; Owned free or mortgaged, -;Farm or house, house. Name, Doney, Caroline; Relation, Wife; Sex, F;Color, white; Age at lst birthday, 54; Marital Status, married; numberof years of present marriage, 34; Mother of how many children: Numberborn-5, Number living-5; Place of Birth, Fr French; Place of birth offather, Fr French; Place of birth of mother, Fr French; Year ofEmmigration to the United States, 1888; Whether naturalized or alien,blank; Able to speak English or language spoken, English; Trade orprofession, none; Can read, yes; Can write, yes. Name, Frantz, Jacob;Relation, son; Sex, male; Color, white; Age at last birthday, 26;Marital status, single; Place of birth, Germ Fr; Place of birth offather, Fr French; Place of birth of mother, Fr French; Year ofEmmigration to the United States, 1888; Whether naturalized or alien,Na; Able to speak English or language spoken, Eng; Trade orprofession, miner; Nature of business or industry, Coal mine; Employeror Employee, W; Out of work on April 15, 1910, No; Number of monthsunemployed, 0; Can read, yes; Can write, yes. Name, Robertson, Thomas;Relation, Boarder; Sex, male; Color, white; Age at last birthday, 34;Marital status, single; Place of birth, PA.; Place of birth of father,Scot Scotch; Place of birth of mother, Scot Scotch; Able to speakEnglish or language spoken, English; Trade or Profession, miner;Nature of business or industry, Coal Mine; Employer or Employee, W;Out of work on April 15, 1901, no; Number of months unemployed, 0; Canread, yes; Can write, yes; Home: owned or rented, this space has acheck mark. Note in the census, Jake was born in Germ Fr instead of Fr French what does this mean? Had Germany taken over that part ofFrance? Mother said that Grandpa Frantz hated the Germans. Also bothJake and Grandpa Frantz were naturalized- search those records.Certificate of Death, File No. ? 1. Place of Death, County ofIndiana, Township of Canoe, City of Rossiter 2. Full Name, HenryFrantz 3. sex, male 4. Color, white 5. Single, married, widowed,divorced- married 6. Date of birth, December 19, 1845 7. Age, 73years, 9 months, 9 days 8. Occupation, Night Watchman 9. Birthplace,Alces Loraine 10. Name of father, Jacob Frantz 11. Birthplace offather, Alces Loraine 12. Maiden name of mother, Catharine Bun 13.Birthplace of mother, Alces Loraine 14. The above is true to the bestof my knowledge, informant, Henry ? Frantz Jr., Rossiter, Pa. 15.Date, Sept. 12, 1919, J.W. Smith, Registrar 16. Date of Death,September 9, 1919 17. I hereby certify that I attended the deceasedfrom Sept. 7, 1919 to Sept. 9, 1919 and that I last saw him alive onSept. 9, 1919 and that death occurred on the date stated above at 7p.m. The cause of death was as follows: Chronic Interstitial Nephritisand Myocarditis. Signed J.F. Stouffer M.D., Sept. ?, 1919, Rossiter,Pa. 18. Length of residence: blank 19. Place of burial, UnionCemetery, Date of Burial, September 12, 1919 20. Undertaker, Chas. B.Robinson, Punxsutawney. According to Vivian Doney Reid, both Henry andCaroline Frantz lived with them in the Boarding House. Viv said thatGrandpa Frantz had some animals ( a cow and some chickens) but he wasnot a farmer. Before they moved to the Boarding House, Caroline Frantzused to sell milk. Viv remembers people coming to their house withtheir containers to buy milk. She thinks that maybe in France Henrymight have been a miner. In Rossiter at some point he was a nightwatchman. Both the Frantzs and the Doneys spoke German. But they werevery different. The Doneys were Pennsylvania Dutch and their Germanhad a very sing song quality. Viv could understand German because itwas always spoken in her home. The 1910 Census above shows a boarderin the Frantz household, Tommy Robertson. When the Doney's bought theBoarding House and the Frantzs moved there with them, so did Tommy.Viv remembers that he used to pay her a nickel to sing 'Its a Long Wayto Tipperary ' to him. According to Vivian Doney Reid her GrandfatherFrantz was a great guy who made all the holidays fun. On Easter heused to take them into the barn where the Easter bunny had constructedlittle nests containing treats and eggs. He usually spied the EasterBunny hopping away and as the children looked they could see him too.On Christmas Eve Vivian and her family went to church but the Frantzsstayed at home. After church, when the children came home, theChristmas tree was decorated and Santa had come. After the presentswere opened 'Santa' in the person of Uncle Jake Frantz usually stoppedby for a visit. Vivian remembers being scared of Santa.
    Death 9 Sep 1919  Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Burial 12 Sep 1919  Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I1873  Hillbillies & Vikings
    Last Modified 5 May 2023 

    Father Jacob Frantz 
    Mother Catharine Bun 
    Family ID F1616  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Caroline Anthony,   b. 31 Dec 1855   d. 15 May 1930, Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 74 years) 
    Marriage 1876 
    • Witness Role: Bride: [I130] Caroline ANTHONY
      Witness Role: Groom: [I1873] Henry FRANTZ
    +1. Rose Frantz
    +2. Harry Frantz,   b. 1876   d. 1947 (Age 71 years)
    +3. Caroline Frantz,   b. 2 Oct 1879   d. 30 Aug 1948, Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 68 years)
    +4. Jacob Frantz,   b. 1883   d. 1962, Pennsylvania, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 79 years)
    +5. Louis Frantz,   b. 30 Oct 1885   d. 13 Mar 1914 (Age 28 years)
    Family ID F269  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 10 Mar 2025 

  • Reference  Your Name Here. "Henry Frantz". Our Family History. https://jonandjohn.org/getperson.php?personID=I1873&tree=tree1 (accessed March 14, 2025).

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