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- According to the recollections of Robert Henderson Sharp, JamesHenderson was a physician who practiced in Weston, Ohio near BowlingGreen. He bottled and sold 'Henderson's Relief', a liquid preparationfor colds. Bob said that you poured it on sugar and then swallowed it.Bob said this concoction was sold in local drug stores. According toBob, James Henderson came to Bucyrus when he was old and very sick,probably to stay with his daughter, Maggie Jane. Bob believes that hedied in Bucyrus but is not sure. U.S. Census 1910 Ohio, Wood County,Weston lists James K. Henderson, 85, and his wife Susana, 86, ashaving been married 62 years. It states they had 9 children and 8 areliving. Both were born in Pennsylvania as were Susanna's parents. Theentry for James was hard to read- I think it says that his parentswere born in Ire (then a note over the top looks like Eng). There isalso something written in the column , Survivor of Union orConfederate Army or Navy, but I couldn't read it. Try to look atanother copy. Wood County, Ohio Atlas 1875-1912 (Gc. 977.101 W 85 wo)for Bloom Township lists Jas. Henderson, Post Office, Jerry City;Nativity, Pennsylvania; Business, Physician and Surgeon; Residence,Jerry City; Settled in Co., 1874; No. of Lot or Section, Blank. Sincethe 1880 US Census for Crawford County, Ohio indicates Maggie wasborn in Pa. and her birthdate is 1850, look for James Henderson in the1850 US Census. Wood Co. Atlas indicates Henderson settled inWood County, Ohio in 1874. Perhaps they were in PA until then. Map inWood County, Ohio Atlas 1875-1912, of Milton Township, shows S.Henderson and Jane Ellsworth as owners of a small North East corner ofSection 23. U.S. Census 1900, Wood County, Ohio, Weston , page 264,sheet 7, lists Henderson, J. head, DOB Dec 1826 (NOTE :difference inthis date from family records.), age 73, years married 53, POB PA,POBM Ohio; POBF Ireland; Susana, wife, March 1824, 76, years married53; POB PA, POBM Germany, POBF Germany (NOTE differences in this from1910 Census.), mother of how many children 9; how many living 8; C.F.Buttles, boarder, March 1861, 39, single, House carpenter, all POBOhio; Wm. Weaver, boarder, March 1872, 28 single, day laborer, all POBOhio. U.S. Census 1880 _ Could not find James in Weston, Ohio. Needto look again when I am not so rushed.