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- In 1804 , the Lynn Twp., Northampton County, Holbens moved toNorthumberland County, Upper Mahanoy Twp., 50 miles to the West. Amongthem were Jacob II, his wife, Catherine, and their children, John,Peter, Daniel, and at least one daughter, Susanna, and the newlywed,Jacob III. In1820, Peter's dad, Jacob II, died at the age of 72. Hisdeath caused the group to remember his deed/dower agreement ofFebruary 6, 1804 leaving his farm in Lynn Twp., Northampton County tohis sons Christian and Jacob. On August 12, 1820 the agreement dated 6February 1804 was recorded in Northumberland County. Before the estateof Jacob II could be settled, Jacob the III, the administrator, diedunexpectedly, intestate. He left a widow, Elizabeth, and seven minorchildren. Elizabeth waived her right to be administratrix and thecourt appointed Jacob's brothers, John and Daniel, as administratorsas well as de bonis non of the yet unsettled estate of old Jacob II.By the time the estate was distributed and settled in 1830, PeterHolben had moved from the area.