Hillbillies & Vikings

This site is focused broadly on all descendants of John Denboe, an indentured servant who came to the Crown Colony of Maryland in about the year 1664. Also, it maintains a special emphasis on the descendants of John Denbow (1797-1862) and his brother Bazeleel (1795-1857), early pioneers in the hills of Southeastern Ohio, as well as the descendants of Jón Jónsson (1841-1934) of Dalasýsla, Iceland, who was an Icelandic immigrant to Canada and now has progeny throughout North America.

Lorenz J. Lorenzen

Lorenz J. Lorenzen

Male 1854 - 1905  (51 years)

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  • Name Lorenz J. Lorenzen 
    Birth 1854 
    • Schleswig,,Holstein,Germany
    Gender Male 
    Marriage Groom 17 Feb 1881  Ottawa, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Witness Role: Principal: [F138] ...of Lorenz J. LORENZEN and Catherine KRUSE
      Witness Role: Bride: [I2764] Catherine KRUSE
      Witness Role: Groom: [I2895] Lorenz J. LORENZEN
    • Card in the possession of Gretchen Valentine in loving remembrance ofLawrence Lorenzen, Died September 3, 1905, Age 50 years. According toa newspaper article titled, Hard Work Responsible for a Young Mindand Body, Ninety Year Old Resident Declares, about Catherine Kruse'Tena' Lorenzen, her husband, Lawrence, was a fisherman and later asaloon keeper in Port Clinton. Deed: Port Clinton Cemetery, Clerk ofthe Village of Port Clinton, Ohio to Lawrence Lorenzen, Lot No. 119,Sub-Div. C, for the sum of $21.00 Recorded April 21, 1903, on Page 141of the records of said Cemetery. Wm. Cleaver, Clerk Copy given to meby Kathryn Tadsen Sharp. According to the recollections of KathrynTadsen Sharp, Uncle Epke Lorenzen (1851-1936) and Aunt 'Rickey'Friederike (1862-1948) were related to the Krietzfelts-- they arementioned in the letter of Emma Matthiessen to Magnus Tadsen (seenotes for Magnus Tadsen). Aunt Rickey was also a witness on NickTadsen's Registration of Birth. I am still not sure of theserelationships. Ipke Lorenzen married Reika Selmer, Ottawa County,Ohio, 27 October 1881 (my notes). I ordered a death certificate forEpke Lorenzen. I think he may be Lawrence's brother. His deathcertificate states that he was born in Horsbull, Germany. It says hisfather's name was Fedder Johansen born in Germany and the maiden nameof his mother was Eoegel Johansen, born in Germany. How can this be ifhis last name was Lorenzen? The informant was Mrs. Andrew Lausten(Freida), Epke's daughter. The death certificate of Lawrence's mother,Engel Christina Lorenzen states that her parents' name was Johansen.This must be further investigated. According to Kathryn Tadsen Sharp,Grandpa Lorenzen was said to have been a 'sharp dresser'. He alwayswore a starched shirt and had his initials monogrammed on the cuff. Heowned the Lorenzen Saloon on Second Street in downtown Port Clintonand his family lived above the saloon. It is said that he alwayswanted to get a piano, but Tena, his wife, always squelched the ideasaying if there was ever a fire they would never get it out becausethey lived on the second floor. According to Kathryn Tadesen Sharp,Grandpa Lorenzen always let people 'run up a tab' in his saloon.Grandma always said that if everyone who owed him money had paid him,they would be rich. According to Kathryn Tadsen Sharp there was afamily story about Grandpa Lorenzen being gored to death by a bull.She thinks maybe this could have been Grandpa Lorenzen's father, butshe doesn't know. Marriage Date from microfiche at Fort Wayne,Indiana. Note time between marriage and birth of first child. Nodeath certificate for Lawrence is recorded in Ottawa County, Ohio.Perhaps he died in another county. Notes of Gretchen Rader Valentinedated 3/14/95 state that Geshe Katrina Kruse married John LawrenceLorensen on Feb. 17, 188?. Should I look for Lorenz under the nameJohn? Is that why I can't find his death certificate? Her notesfurther state that he died September 3, 1905 age 49 years. MarriageRecord from St. John's Lutheran Church, Port Clinton, Ohio. Received7 April 1995. Marriage date , 17 February 1881; Groom, LorenzLorensen; Bride, Catharine Kruse. Record from St. John's LutheranChurch, Port Clinton, Ohio. Received 7 April 1995. Death & Funeral,1905. 3 September, 7:00 p.m.; 5 September, 2:00 p.m. Lorenz Lorenzen,born 6 August 1856 at Horsbul Schleswig, baptized and confirmed. Cameto America in 1873. Married to K. Kruse 17 Feb 1881. 4 children wereborn to them. Cause of death: rheumatism. Age: 49y 28d. Survivors:wife, 3 daughters, mother, 5 sisters and bro. Note: Death date ontombstone is 1854. Note: Letter to me from Natalie Bredbeck dated 5April 1995 suggests that I write to the Lutheran Church in Horsbull,Schleswig-Holstein Germany ( a town on the Germany Denmark border).The zip code is 25924. BOOK: ?SEVERAL VOLUMES PASSENGER LISTS GERMANSTO AMERICA INDEXED BY NAME AND YEAR - Page 122 Ship Holsatia, FromHamburg and Havre to New York, arrived 9 April 1873. Lorensen, Lorenz,17, male, laborer, Germany, Code shows province and village unknown.Other Lorensens on the same ship: Lorensen, Friedrike, 24, female,SGL, Germany; Lorensen, Lorenz, 15, male, laborer, Germany; Lorensen,Peter, 23, farmer, Germany, and under his name Ludwig (no last name -as if they were together) 23, male, farmer, Germany (twins?);Lorensen, Anna C., 20, female, SNG, Germany; Lorentsen (sic), Heinr.,18, male, farmer, Germany. Where was the rest of his family? Did theycome later? All the Lorenzen kids on the 1880 census were born inSchleswig. Did Johann Kruse die before Anna came here? Look further inpassenger records from Germany. Horsbull is on the Germany/DenmarkBorder in Schleswig Holstein. The zip code for Horsbuull is 25924.PHON: CONT cemetery. The man there said they had no information. Ialso PHON: CONT called The Gerner & Wolf Funeral Home and they saidthey have PHON: CONT no records before 1926.
    Death 3 Sep 1905 
    Burial Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I2895  Hillbillies & Vikings
    Last Modified 5 May 2023 

    Father John Lorenzen 
    Mother Engel Christina Johansen,   b. 12 Nov 1821   d. 17 Apr 1911, Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 89 years) 
    Family ID F1703  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Catherine Kruse,   b. 30 Aug 1855, Hannover, Stadt Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 22 Dec 1947, Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 92 years) 
    Marriage 17 Feb 1881  Ottawa, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Witness Role: Bride: [I2764] Catherine KRUSE
      Witness Role: Groom: [I2895] Lorenz J. LORENZEN
    +1. Dorothea Marie Lorenzen,   b. 20 Sep 1881, Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1 Nov 1963, Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 82 years)
     2. Rosine Christina 'Rosa' Lorenzen,   b. 15 Mar 1884, Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1 Feb 1894, Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 9 years)
    +3. Elsie Marie Lorenzen,   b. 4 Oct 1889   d. 24 Apr 1919 (Age 29 years)
    +4. Anna Fredericka Lorenzen,   b. 22 Aug 1891   d. 19 Jul 1977, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 85 years)
    Family ID F138  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 1 Jan 2022 

  • Reference  Your Name Here. "Lorenz J. Lorenzen". Our Family History. https://jonandjohn.org/getperson.php?personID=I2895&tree=tree1 (accessed March 14, 2025).

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