Note |
- Information from a chart given Ruth (Gigax) Hurlbert and prepared byW.
E. Michel, 5135 Baum Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15224, 682-3313, 25 Aug
There seems to be no order of the birth of the children in a family.
This information was gathered from a two-sided paper (8.5 X 14 inches)
written by W.G. Mollenauer called 'Pennsylvania Mollenauers since1847.'
Ruth Hurlbert gave it to me. It reads as follows:
It is generally believed that Henry E, Mollenauer and his wife Sophia
(Kaufman) Mollenauer were born in Wittenberg in the Stuttgard area of
Germany abput the year 1800....I the spring of 1847 , Henry E.Mollenauer
with his wife Sopia (Kaufman) Mollenauer and their three children,
migrated from Hanover, Germany, and arrived in the united states
seaport at Baltimore, Maryland. from this seaport they came west in a
Conestoga Wagan as far as Six Mile Ferry near Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania,
where they lived with other german families that had migrated earlier
from Germany and had settled there. While living there he wasemployed
by a coal mining company.
After a short stay there, he with his wife and family made a trip tothe
west as far as the state of Iowa. The purpose of that trip is not
definitely could be possible that Herny E. Mollenauer withhis
family, made that trip to the west to visit and possibily settle there
with other Mollenauers, a brother or a cousin who migrated earlierfrom
Germany and had settled In Iowa.
The tradedy of that visit was the fact that Henry E. Mollenauer became
suddenly ill and died and was buried somewher in the state of Iowa.His
wife Sophia and the three children...return to six MileFerry....Sophia lies
buried in the Saint Paul's Cemetery in Mt. Oliver, a suburb ofPitsburgh.