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- Newspaper Obit (Name and date of newspaper cut off clipping; died1975) Leslie C. Rader- Niles- Leslie C. Rader, 75, of 330 W. ParkAvenue died Friday at 11:15 A.M. in Trumbull Memorial Hospital wherehe had been hospitalized three weeks. His death was due to emphysema.Born January 19, 1900 in Niles, he was a son of Charles C. and AnnaShelar Rader and was a lifetime resident of the city. He graduatedfrom McKinley High School in 1917 and while enrolled in Washington &Jefferson College he was inducted into World War 1. In 1923 he and hisfather operated a food market on Maple Avenue until his father'sdeath. Rader then went to work for the Niles Firebrick Co. and afterthe plant was sold was employed by the County Auditor's Office untilhis retirement in 1965. Mr. Rader served on the boards of the TrumbullCounty Tuberculosis & Health Association, the Niles Community Corp.,the Red Cross and Boy Scout Council of Trumbull County. He served 48years as Adjutant of William McKinley Post 106 of the American Legion.He was a 50 year member of the Mahoning Lodge F.&A.M. 394,the ScottishRite of Youngstown and Al Koran Shrine. He was a member of St. Luke'sEpiscopal Church and had served on the Vestry. Surviving are his wifeEunice Tadsen Rader, to whom he was married in 1926. She had been anelementary school teacher in Niles. Also surviving are one daughter,Mrs. Allen (Gretchen) Valentine, of W. Bloomfield, Michigan, one son,Richard of Chicago, Illinois, four grandchildren. A brother, Paul,preceded him in death. Funeral services will be held Monday at 1:30P.M. at the Holloway and Son Funeral Home with Rev. John Buttofficiating. Mrs. Alvin I. Jones was the organist. Friends may callSunday from 7 to 9 P.M. Mahoning Lodge 394 F.&A.M. will hold servicesSunday at 8:45 P.M. at the funeral home. Interment will be in UnionCemetery. Pallbearers were George Salem, Gay Krok, David Prosser,Arthur Doutt, Robert Semple, and Stanley Wilder. Honorary pallbearerswere Willard Huff, William C. Trimbur, Dr. H. E. Elston Sr. and ElmerE. Fisher.