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- Obituary: Niles Times or Warren Tribune, Niles, Ohio, August 25,1993. WILLIAM SIMPSON REID NILES - William Simpson Reid, 83, of 855Lincoln Ave., died Tuesday at 8:10 A.M. in the Autumn Hills CareCenter following a long illness. He was born September 7, 1909, inIslin, Pa., a son of Alexander and Elizabeth Hunter Reid, and came toNiles in 1948 from Punxsutawney, Pa. He was employed for 20 yearsat Republic Steel in Niles, retiring in 1970 as a supervisor. Mr.Reid was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Niles, theMahoning Masonic Lodge No. 394 F&AM and the Republic Steel RetireesSupervisors Club. He is survivied by his wife, Vivian Doney Reid,whom he married in 1931; a son, William D. Reid of Lafayette, La.; twodaughters, Caroyl Reid of Lexington, Ky., and Mrs. Robert T. (Susan)Sharp of Hillsboro; a sister, Marcia Etherson of Pittsburgh; sixgrandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. A brother, Sam Reid, andfour sisters, Myrtle Parsons, Mabel McLaughlin, Rosella Hastings, andJean Edwards, are deceased. The funeral will be Friday at 11 the Holeton-Yuhasz Funeral Home, where calling hours will be fromThursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Burial will be in Circle HillCemetery in Jefferson County, Pa. Memorial contributions may be madeto the Memorial Fund of the First Presbyterian Church. (Note: WilliamS. Reid worked at the Republic Steel Plant in Warren, Ohio.) Dad hadseen Viv at one of her college dances at Indiana. She had asked herbrother, Henry, to go because he was such a good dancer. Dad had comeup to Henry during the dance and asked him about the girl he was with.Henry said, 'That's my sister'. After that Viv's college roomate,Famie Finn, fixed them up on a blind date. Famie's sister, Loretta,and Mother were to go out with Bill Reid and Johnny Smith. They didn'tknow who would be with who when they got in the car. Johnny said,'I'll take the young lady (Loretta)', so mother got in the back seatwith Bill. Johnny was driving his car. They were supposed to goswimming. The car had several flat tires on the way there and home.They no sooner would repair one tire and another would go flat. Whenthey got to where they were going swimming, it was too cold to go inthe water (Bill and Famie) went in anyway. Mother was reallydisgusted. On the way home it was cold so Bill gave Viv his coat. Thewind caught his cigarette ash and blew it up the coat sleeve. When sherealized what had happened and cried out, Bill crushed the coat sleeveto her arm to put out the ash. It left a mark on her arm for over ayear. When she got back she said, 'I'm never going out with himagain.' Later when she was home from college for the summer, sheattended a Rossiter baseball game. Her brother, Henry, was the catcheron the Rossiter team, which was the best team around. Bill and DudeSteigers were at the game and Bill asked Viv to go to a DeMolay dancein Dubois. They assured her the tires were now in good shape. She saidshe would have to ask her parents. She told her mother, who said toher father, 'you know, he's Alec Reid's son.' They said o.k. It was aformal dance and Bill wore a tux. Viv wore a black moire dress she hadgotten at school. The dress was longer in the back than the front andthe hemline hung in peaks. To tease Viv, on the way to the dance theytold her that Bill couldn't dance. She was hot, she thought 'here wego again' (she loved to dance). After dinner there weren't many peopleon the dance floor, and she didn't want to be with someone whocouldn't dance so she got up to go to the restroom. Her feet flew outfrom under her and she landed on her rear end. She was so embarrassedshe went into the restroom and stayed there for a long time. When shecame out Bill asked her to dance and she reluctantly agreed. He was awonderful dancer. After that she liked him and never went out withanyone else. She always said 'she fell for him'.