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- According to his mother's notes, LLoyd was born at his home inBucyrus , Ohio on Saturday evening at 6:00 P.M. on 6 February 1897.LLoyd graduated from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. While a studentat the University he was one of the founding members of 'The CampusOwls', a dance band still in existence in 1994. He and his brother Bobplayed in the band to help defray expenses. 'Shorty', as LLoyd wasknown, was a member of Phi Kappa Tau fraternity at Miami. Shorty wasa music teacher in Camden and Niles, Ohio for a few years. He and hiswife, Cyrena, 'Cy', were fond of ' the good life'. So after a fewyears Shorty left the teaching profession and entered the insurancebusiness. He also sold stocks and bonds for a Dayton, Ohio basedcompany. This new career took him to Youngstown, Ohio, and Texas.Finally, the family settled in Eaton, Ohio. He and Cy had a 'live-in'maid, belonged to 'The Youngstown Club', and LLoyd did not want hiswife to work. Shorty was someone who could get along with anyone. Hewas very gregarious and associated with people from all walks of life.He died of cancer in a Dayton hospital. He was 59 years, 1 month, and12 days old. These notes are from the recollections of RobertHenderson Sharp, Shorty's brother. Services were held at The BarnesFuneral Home in Eaton, Ohio on March 21, 1956 at 2:00 P.M. TheReverends Herman A. Sayre and Richard Coad officiated. Pall bearerswere Walter Earley, Robert Barnd, Wendell Aker, Sam Fulks, FredBrower, and James Foster. The place of burial was Mound Hill Cemeteryin Eaton, Ohio.