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- Maude was very short and her husband Andrew Vance towered over her.She was very pretty and very self sufficient. She was married at 16and widowed when she was very young and had the responsibility ofraising two young sons. After her husband died, she remained inBucyrus and worked in one of the big women's clothing stores. She wasalso involved in some type of Women's Suffrage group. We have apicture of her in a uniform that she wore in connection with this.Then when both her sons were studying at Miami University in Oxford,Ohio she decided she would like to move there. Shorty made thearrangements and she moved to Oxford, Ohio. In Oxford she worked forthe telephone company. Both Shorty and Bob graduated from MiamiUniversity. When Shorty went to Niles, Ohio to teach, she then movedto Niles, Ohio. When Bob also began teaching in NIles, the three ofthem lived on Lincoln Avenue in a house later owned and renovated byCaroyl Reid, sister of Susan Sharp. Her son, Robert, said she wasknown as 'The Duchess' because she always dressed up. She was neversloppy and even when she lived alone she used to cook a full meal forherself. She was quite an organized person. It was she who kept manyrecords of the family history. I have some of the notes in herhandwriting.Maude was also a practical nurse. I am uncertain if shehad any formal training or not. She supported herself in Niles byserving as a 'private duty' nurse, caring for older wealthy womenduring the night. Maude died of cancer at Glenview Nursing Home inMineral Ridge, Ohio just outside Niles, Ohio. Burial: Cemeteries ofCrawford County, Ohio, Oakwood Cemetery,Bucyrus, Ohio, CrawfordCounty, Volume 2. Burial No. 11163; Location: Section/Lot: R/2;Name ofInteree: Sharp, Maude Elsie; DOB: 1877; DOD:1966; Name of Father:Sherer, Francis; Name of Mother: Henderson, Mrgt.; Name of Spouse:Sharp, Andrew Vance. U.S. Census 1910, Ohio, Crawford County, Bucyrus,page 183 Newspaper Obit. (Name and date of paper cut off theclipping.) Mrs. Maude E. Sharp Niles- Funeral services for Mrs. MaudeE. Sharp, 87, of 408 1/2 Cherry Street, who died Saturday morning atGlenview Nursing Home, after a 10 month illness, were held Monday at3:30 P.M. at the Holloway & Son Funeral Home. The Rev. C. RussellLundgren of Trinity Lutheran Church officiated. Mrs. Alvin I. Joneswas organist. Mrs. Sharp was born November 26, 1879 in Bucyrus, ohio,and came to Niles to make her home in 1926. She was a daughter ofFrancis and Margaret Henderson Sherer. Her husband, Andrew V., to whomshe was married March 12, 1896, died in 1922. She was an active memberof Trinity Lutheran Church and Ida McKinley Chapter, Order of EasternStar. Surviving is a son, Robert, principal of Niles McKInley HighSchool. Another son, LLoyd, former band director at McKinley High,died in 1956. There are three grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. Burial was at 11 A.M. today in Oakwood Cemetery,Bucyrus.