
Hillbillies & Vikings
This site is focused broadly on all descendants of John Denboe, an indentured servant who came to the Crown Colony of Maryland in about the year 1664. Also, it maintains a special emphasis on the descendants of John Denbow (1797-1862) and his brother Bazeleel (1795-1857), early pioneers in the hills of Southeastern Ohio, as well as the descendants of Jón Jónsson (1841-1934) of Dalasýsla, Iceland, who was an Icelandic immigrant to Canada and now has progeny throughout North America.

Clarence W. 'Red' Warren

Name Clarence W. 'Red' Warren Birth 18 Jun 1895 Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA Gender Male Marriage Groom 1923 - Witness Role: Principal: [F225] ...of (parents not known)
Witness Role: Bride: [I3412] Wanda POWELL
Witness Role: Groom: [I4451] Clarence W. 'Red' WARREN
Note - Occupation: Foreman for UNG Gas Co., later named National Fuel GasCo. in Bradford, Pa. Places of Residence: Bradford, Pa. Afterretirement Red moved to Florida. Religious Affiliation: MethodistObituary: Newsclipping in the possession of Jean Reid Edwards. Nameand date of paper are cut off. CLARENCE W. WARREN Funeral serviceswere held in Port Orange, Fla., yesterday for Clarence W. Warren, 73,of Bradford, who died Saturday in his Florida home. Born June 18,1895, in the Punxsutawney area, he was a son of William B. and MaggieReid Warren and was married in 1923 to the former Wanda Powell of OilCity. He was a member of the Methodist Church and was a field foremanfor the United Natural Gas Company. Surviving are his wife; twodaughters and a son, Mrs. Alfred Van Scoy, of Bradford, Maj. BarbaraN. Warren, of Fort Benning, Ga., and William B. , of Littleton, Mass;four grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Ruth Warren McNeil, BrrokvilleR. D. 1. Memorial Services were held in Port Orange Fla.,Monday. Obituary: Newspaper clipping in the possession of Jean ReidEdwards. Name and date of the paper are cut off. IN MEMORIAM Mr.Clarence W. (Red) Warren, Pensioner of Bradford Distribution, died onMay 17, 1969 at the age of 73 years. Mr. Warren retired June 30, 1960after more than 33 years of service. At the time of his retirement hewas Foreman of Bradford Distribution Plant. He was married toWanda Powell of Oil City, who survives. He is also survived by twodaughters and one son.
Death Port Orange, Volusia, Florida, USA Person ID I4451 Hillbillies & Vikings Last Modified 5 May 2023
Father William Brailsford Warren Mother Margaret 'Maggie' Reid, b. 17 Jun 1870, Barclay, Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA Marriage 15 Jan 1891 - Witness Role: Bride: [I3524] Margaret 'Maggie' REID
Witness Role: Groom: [I4455] William Brailsford WARREN
Family ID F193 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Wanda Powell Marriage 1923 - Witness Role: Bride: [I3412] Wanda POWELL
Witness Role: Groom: [I4451] Clarence W. 'Red' WARREN
Children 1. William B. Warren, b. Littleton, Aroostook, Maine, USA 2. Jean Warren, b. Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA 3. Barbara N. Warren, b. Port Orange, Volusia, Florida, USA Family ID F225 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 10 Mar 2025
- Witness Role: Principal: [F225] ...of (parents not known)
Reference Your Name Here. "Clarence W. 'Red' Warren". Our Family History. https://jonandjohn.org/getperson.php?personID=I4451&tree=tree1 (accessed March 14, 2025).