Hillbillies & Vikings

This site is focused broadly on all descendants of John Denboe, an indentured servant who came to the Crown Colony of Maryland in about the year 1664. Also, it maintains a special emphasis on the descendants of John Denbow (1797-1862) and his brother Bazeleel (1795-1857), early pioneers in the hills of Southeastern Ohio, as well as the descendants of Jón Jónsson (1841-1934) of Dalasýsla, Iceland, who was an Icelandic immigrant to Canada and now has progeny throughout North America.

Jarret Bobo

Jarret Bobo

Male 1875 - 1971  (96 years)

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  • Name Jarret Bobo 
    Birth 16 Jan 1875  USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Marriage Groom 19 Nov 1902  Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Witness Role: Principal: [F79] ...of Jarret BOBO and Carrie LYTLE
      Witness Role: Bride: [I2929] Carrie LYTLE
      Witness Role: Groom: [I543] Jarret BOBO
    • Newspaper Article, Democrat-Enquirer, Vinton County's Living PioneersNo. 250, Point Rock's Jarrot and Carrie Bobo Can Trace Ancestry toRevolutionary War. Jarrot attended the old Flower Hill red school(his wife did too) at Point Rock. He wanted to be a teacher so heattended the old Wilkesville Academy, taught by Professor Gottschall.He taught school (music) for seven years in Columbia Township, MeigsCounty, and then after his marriage went into the music business. In1905 he established a music store on West Main Street in McArthur. In1910 he purchased a fruit farm and Jarrot and his brother L.C. Boborented other orchards too. He lived in the southeastern corner ofVinton County until in 1924 when he acquired the Bobo Family Farm atRock Point farm from his sister, Viola, and moved to the farm housewith its 56 acres of orchards and croplands that his father erected in1888 when Jarrot was 12. Jarrot was born in another house which stoodon this same site, and he was married in the home in which he nowlives. He was a successful orchardist noted for raising Grimes Goldenand Rome Beauty apples. When he was about 75 he sold his Vinton Countyfruit farm to Walter Wells. He belongs to laurel Grange and the EwingChapter, Sons of the American Revolution, Athens. He was a Mason andbelonged to the Knights of Pythias. His address in the obituary wasPoint Rock, Albany Route 1. Jarrot's maternal great-great grandfather,James Caster, migrated to Vinton County from Virginia, and is buriedin Radcliff Cemetery.
    Death 8 Oct 1971 
    Burial USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I543  Hillbillies & Vikings
    Last Modified 5 May 2023 

    Father Francis Marion Bobo,   b. 3 Nov 1839, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 26 Oct 1926 (Age 86 years) 
    Mother Sarah Caster 
    Marriage 10 Aug 1866  USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Witness Role: Bride: [I799] Sarah CASTER
      Witness Role: Groom: [I517] Francis Marion BOBO
    Family ID F77  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Carrie Lytle,   b. 8 Dec 1878, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Feb 1971 (Age 92 years) 
    Marriage 19 Nov 1902  Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Witness Role: Bride: [I2929] Carrie LYTLE
      Witness Role: Groom: [I543] Jarret BOBO
     1. Henry Bobo
     2. Meryl Bobo
     3. Ruth Bobo
     4. Wesley Bobo
    Family ID F79  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 1 Jan 2022 

  • Reference  Your Name Here. "Jarret Bobo". Our Family History. https://jonandjohn.org/getperson.php?personID=I543&tree=tree1 (accessed March 14, 2025).

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