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- US Census 1870, Pennsylvania, Jefferson County, Pine Creek Twp.,Enumeration Date, 8 August 1870, Page 3, Dwelling No. 16, Family No.16. Name, Mowry, Jerry; Age 26; Sex, M; Color, white; Occupation,Laborer; Value Real Estate, $75; Value personal property, $100;Birthplace, Pa.; Male US citizen of 21 or over. Name, Salome; Age 25;Sex, F; Color, white; Occupation, Keeping house; Birthplace, Pa.;Cannot read or write. Name, William; Age, 5; Sex, M; Color, white;Birthplace, Pa. Name, Elizabeth; Age, 3; Color, white; Birthplace, Pa.Name, George; Age, 1; Sex, M; Color, white; Birthplace, Pa. Name,Doney, Susan; age, 19; Sex, F; Color, White; Birthplace, Pa.; Cannotread or write. See U.S. Census 1870 for Gaston Doney. The Doney's werehousehold 15. Both households have a Salome, age 25. I believe this isthe same person that was listed in both households. Who is Susan Doneyin this household? Book: Caldwell's Atlas of Jefferson County, Pa.1878 shows the 40 acre farm of G. Doney, on the map of Pine CreekTwp. The farm is right on the border of Pine Creek and Winslow Twp. J.Mowry is shown as living right next to G. Doney on 4 acres. Jerry wasG. Doney's son-in-law. In this same book, in the Advertising BusinessDirectory of Jefferson County, Pa., The Pine Creek Township Directoryshows Doney, Sr., G; 40 acres; Post Office, Emerickville; Nativity,Penna; Occupation, farmer. Also shown as living on the same 40 acresare Wm. Doney, G. Doney Jr., & D. Doney. Book: Tombstone Hopping byPatricia Steele, Moore Cemetery , Pine Creek Twp., Located on LR 3341 near Emerickville, Pa. Row 2, Jeremiah Mowry, 1844-1929, Co. B, 57Pa. Vol. (CW)